1. outline 1. 大纲2. List 2. 列表2.1. Center View 2.1. 中心视图2.2. Comment ☆ 2.2. 评论 ☆2.3. Create Unit 2.3. 创建 Unit2.4. Create Unit with Properties
2.4. 创建具有属性的单元2.5. Defeat 2.5. 失败2.6. Display Text Message
2.6. 显示文本消息2.7. Draw ☆ 2.7. 平局 ☆2.8. Give Units to Player ☆
2.8. 将单位给玩家 ☆2.9. Kill Unit 2.9. Kill Unit (杀戮单位)2.10. Kill Unit At Location
2.10. 在原址杀死单位2.11. Leaderboard (Control At Location)
2.11. 排行榜 (Control At Location)2.12. Leaderboard (Control)
2.12. 排行榜(控件)2.13. Leaderboard (Greed)
2.13. 排行榜(贪婪)2.14. Leaderboard (Kills)
2.14. 排行榜(杀戮数)2.15. Leaderboard (Points)
2.15. 排行榜(积分)2.16. Leaderboard (Resources)
2.16. 排行榜(资源)2.17. Leaderboard Computer Players(State)
2.17. 排行榜计算机玩家(状态)2.18. Leaderboard Goal (Control At Location)
2.18. 排行榜目标(在位置控制)2.19. Leaderboard Goal (Control)
2.19. 排行榜目标 (Control)2.20. Leaderboard Goal (Kills)
2.20. 排行榜目标(击杀数)2.21. Leaderboard Goal (Points)
2.21. 排行榜目标(积分)2.22. Leaderboard Goal (Resources)
2.22. 排行榜目标(资源)2.23. Minimap Ping 2.23. 小地图 Ping2.24. Modify Unit Energy ☆
2.24. 修改单位能量 ☆2.25. Modify Unit Hanger Count ☆
2.25. 修改单位吊架数量 ☆2.26. Modify Unit Hit Points ☆
2.26. 修改单位生命值 ☆2.27. Modify Unit Resource Amount ☆
2.27. 修改单位资源量 ☆2.28. Modify Unit Shield Points ☆
2.28. 修改单位护盾点数 ☆2.29. Move Location 2.29. 移动位置2.30. Move Unit 2.30. 移动单位2.31. Mute Unit Speech
2.31. 将单元语音静音2.32. Order ☆ 2.32. 顺序 ☆2.33. Pause Game 2.33. 暂停游戏2.34. Pause Timer ☆
2.34. 暂停计时器 ☆2.35. Play WAV 2.35. 播放 WAV2.36. Preserve Trigger 2.36. 保留触发器2.37. Remove Unit 2.37. 移除单元2.38. Remove Unit At Location
2.38. 在位置移除设备2.39. Run AI Script
2.39. 运行 AI 脚本2.40. Run AI Script At Location
2.40. 在现场运行 AI 脚本2.41. Set Alliance Status ☆
2.41. 设置联盟状态 ☆2.42. Set Countdown Timer
2.42. 设置 Countdown Timer2.43. Set Deaths ☆
2.43. 设置死亡 ☆2.44. Set Doodad State
2.44. 设置 Doodad State2.45. Set Invincibility 2.45. 设置无敌2.46. Set Mission Objectives
2.46. 设置任务目标2.47. Set Next Scenario
2.47. 设置 Next Scenario2.48. Set Resources 2.48. 设置资源2.49. Set Score 2.49. 设置分数2.50. Set Switch 2.50. 设置 Switch2.51. Talking Portrait 2.51. 会说话的肖像2.52. Transmission 2.52. 传输2.53. Unmute Unit Speech
2.53. 取消单元语音的静音2.54. Unpause Game 2.54. 取消暂停游戏2.55. Unpause Timer 2.55. 取消暂停计时器2.56. Victory 2.56. 胜利2.57. Wait 2.57. 等待 1. outline 1. 大纲
Starcraft This document describes the actions of
the trigger . There are a total of 57 actions.
星际争霸 本文档介绍触发器的操作。总共有 57 个操作。☆ indicates
patch 1.04[1] This is the newly added executive section.
☆ 表示补丁 1.04 [1] 这是新添加的执行部分。[2] 2. List 2. 列表
2.1. Center View 2.1. 中心视图
zero | Center view for current player at 'location'. 当前玩家在 'location' 的中心视图。 |
one | M - Moves the screen to location [ position ]. M - 将屏幕移动到位置 [ 位置 ]。 |
Moves the screen of the player specified in the player tab to a certain location. The main use is also to attach it to the trigger when a certain situation occurs and direct attention to the place where the situation occurred. For reference, the mouse is also moved to the center of the screen. There is no trigger like this to really attract attention, but on the contrary, if this trigger sticks even in trivial situations, it becomes very tiring to play.
将播放器选项卡中指定的播放器的画面移动到特定位置。主要用途也是在发生某种情况时将其连接到触发器上,并将注意力引导至情况发生的地方。作为参考,鼠标也会移动到屏幕的中心。没有像这样的触发器可以真正吸引注意力,但相反,如果这个触发器即使在微不足道的情况下也坚持下去,玩起来就会变得非常累。[3]As an aside, the most bloody time is when playing single player. When this trigger is executed, not only the screen movement but also the mouse does not move from the center of the monitor for a while, so there is a lot of trouble. In that case, pressing the Esc key will solve the problem.
顺便说一句,最血腥的时候是玩单人游戏的时候。执行此触发器时,不仅屏幕移动,而且鼠标在一段时间内都不会从显示器中心移动,因此存在很多麻烦。在这种情况下,按 Esc 键将解决问题。[4]Sometimes it is also used to prevent map hacking. Forcibly installing a building that exists as dummy data that bounces when you look at it through the editor, and then making all players look at this building. If you cannot see it because it is covered by the fog of the battlefield, it will not bounce, but if you look at this building while the map core is on, it will bounce. But in
the remaster , it doesn't bounce at all, so it's useless.
有时它也用于防止地图黑客攻击。强行安装一个以虚拟数据形式存在的建筑物,当你通过编辑器查看它时,它会反弹,然后让所有玩家都看着这个建筑物。如果你因为被战场的迷雾遮住而看不到它,它不会反弹,但如果你在地图核心开启时看这座建筑,它就会反弹。但是在重制版中,它根本不会弹跳,所以没用。2.2. Comment ☆ 2.2. 评论 ☆
zero | Comment: 评论: text 发短信 |
one | O - Comment: [ Content ] O - 评论: [ 内容 ] |
Set the title of the trigger.
设置触发器的标题。When you run this, the conditions and executions will change to only the content written in the box that was shown as a preview up to a certain size. It is useful for expressing or organizing triggers in an easy-to-understand manner, and when the triggers are written in the order of game progression, you can also divide the paragraphs by attaching any condition and only putting this in the execution tab.
[5] Of course, this has no effect in the game, and no conditions set will affect this execution. It is a very unique trigger that only affects map creators without any hindrance or benefit to the gameplay. It is characterized by its brilliance as the map being created becomes more complex. Almost all Brood War campaign maps with the 1.04 patch applied have this comment trigger, and there are even cases where only a comment is added to the trigger.
当您运行此命令时,条件和执行将更改为仅写入框中的内容,该内容显示为最大特定大小的预览。它对于以易于理解的方式表达或组织触发器很有用,当触发器按游戏进程的顺序编写时,您还可以通过附加任何条件并将其仅放在执行选项卡中来划分段落。[5]当然,这在游戏中没有影响,并且设置的任何条件都不会影响此执行。这是一个非常独特的触发器,只影响地图创建者,对游戏玩法没有任何阻碍或好处。它的特点是随着正在创建的地图变得更加复杂而变得出色。几乎所有应用了 1.04 补丁的 Brood War 战役地图都有此评论触发器,甚至在某些情况下只向触发器添加评论。2.3. Create Unit 2.3. 创建 Unit
zero | Create numcreate createunit at 'location' for player. 在 'location' 为 player 创建 numcreatecreateunit。 |
one | C - Spawn [ number ] of [ unit ] of [ player ] at [ location ]. C - 在 [ 位置 ] 生成 [ 玩家 ] 的 [ 单位 ] 的 [ 数量 ]。 |
There is no need to explain the importance of this trigger in various use maps as it is a trigger that creates a unit . The unit created by this action has 100% health, 100% shield, and 25% energy.
[6] , non-invincible, non-cloaked, non-lurking, non-illusory entity, not airborne, 0 resources, 0 payload
[7] It is created in the state of . From patch 1.04, you can set the amount of units created.
无需在各种使用映射中解释此触发器的重要性,因为它是创建 unit 的触发器。此操作创建的单位拥有 100% 生命值、100% 护盾和 25% 能量。[6],非无敌,非隐身,非潜伏,非幻象实体,不空中,0 资源,0 推车[7] 它是在 的状态下创建的。从补丁 1.04 开始,您可以设置创建的单位数量。 2.4. Create Unit with Properties
2.4. 创建具有属性的单元
zero | Create numcreate createunit at 'location' for player. 在 'location' 为 player 创建 numcreatecreateunit。 Apply properties. Apply 属性。 |
one | C - Create [ units ] of [ players ] at [ location ] with this [ state ]. C - 在 [ 位置] 创建 [ 玩家 ] 的 [ 单位 ] ,并采用此 [ 状态 ]。 |
In the unit creation trigger, this is an action that gives you the choice of the unit's status. Here, you can adjust the health, shield, energy, resource amount, and payload, and choose whether it is invincible, lurking, concealed, floating, or illusionary. However, if you create a burdling with this trigger, it will generate energy and die soon, and if you create a unit with more than 150,000 health, the health will be generated very low, so be careful. From patch 1.04, you can set the amount created.
在设备创建触发器中,这是一个操作,可让您选择设备的状态。在这里,你可以调整生命值、护盾、能量、资源量、有效载荷,并选择是无敌、潜伏、隐蔽、漂浮还是幻觉。但是,如果你用这个触发器创建一个 burdling,它会产生能量并很快死亡,如果你创建一个生命值超过 150,000 的单位,生命值会非常低,所以要小心。从补丁 1.04 开始,您可以设置创建的数量。
2.5. Defeat 2.5. 失败
zero | End Scenario in defeat for current player. 当前玩家的失败结束场景。 |
one | U - This player loses (TT)... U - 这个玩家输了 (TT)... |
Causes the player selected in the Players tab to lose.
导致在 Players (玩家) 选项卡中选择的玩家丢失。
A trigger that literally ends the player. It can be used not only for defeat by failing a simple mission, but also for dismissal. Unlike Victory, it has no effect on other players unless the player leaves for the purpose of winning or losing. It just ends with that person leaving. Therefore, it is inappropriate as a game-ending trigger in high-current maps.
In the single play episode, when the hive (colony)/mental body is destroyed in the 3rd and 8th missions of Episode 5, the camp becomes Ellie because this trigger was used. Buildings of defeated players are neutralized. When you first create a map with the map editors, you can see that victory, defeat , and resource (add 50 minerals) triggers are installed by default.
在单人剧集中,当蜂巢(殖民地)/精神体在第 3 集的第 5 和第 8 个任务中被摧毁时,营地变成了艾莉,因为使用了这个触发器。被击败的玩家的建筑会被无效化。首次使用地图编辑器创建地图时,可以看到默认情况下会安装 victory、defeat 和 resource (add 50 minerals) 触发器。
2.6. Display Text Message
2.6. 显示文本消息
zero | Display for current player: 当前玩家显示: text 发短信 |
one | O - Outputs a text message to the player: [ Content ] O - 向播放器输出文本消息:[ 内容 ] |
Shows the entered information to the player selected in the Player tab.
向在 Player 选项卡中选择的播放器显示输入的信息。Since Transmission can be used to do both sound and portrait at the same time when a specific unit speaks, it is not often used for that purpose, and is mainly used to explain things to the player in question.
[8] It is often used as a phrase, especially when starting or losing. When combined with the Elapsed Time condition, it can also be used to indicate how much time is left in the countdown.
由于 Transmission 可以在特定单位说话时同时进行声音和肖像,因此它并不经常用于此目的,主要用于向相关玩家解释事物。[8]它经常被用作短语,尤其是在开始或失败时。当与 Elapsed Time 条件结合使用时,它还可用于指示倒计时中剩余的时间。2.7. Draw ☆ 2.7. 平局 ☆
zero | End scenario in a draw for all players. 所有玩家都以平局结束场景。 |
one | U - This player is tied on the map U - 此玩家在地图上打平 |
All players, not just the player in question, draw. New addition since patch 1.04.
所有玩家(不仅仅是相关玩家)都会抽牌。自 1.04 补丁以来的新增功能。Draw situations rarely occur, and depending on the map's settings or structure, there are many cases where they do not occur at all, making them difficult to see. Of course, you can't see it unless it's a Daejeon map. It is only used in fixed situations where neither side can win or lose.
绘制情况很少发生,根据地图的设置或结构,在许多情况下根本不会发生,因此很难看到。当然,除非是大田地图,否则你看不到它。它仅用于任何一方都不能赢或输的固定情况。 2.8. Give Units to Player ☆
2.8. 将单位给玩家 ☆
zero | Give numfind locunit owned by player at 'location' to destplayer. 将 'location' 的玩家拥有的 numfindlocunit 分配给 destplayer。 |
one | C - Gives [ number ] ( units ) of [ player ] to [ target player ] at [ location ] . C - 将 [ 玩家 ] 的 [ 数量 ] ( 单位 ) 提供给位于 [ 位置 ] 的 [ 目标玩家 ] 。 |
An action added in patch 1.04. This is an action that gives a unit from a specific player in a specific location to another player, and it is also very useful. The most famous example is the Military You Fight, which can be seen in production and control series maps. As a reference, if the unit you are trying to give to another player has been upgraded (marine stimpack range increased, zergling attack speed increased, tank siege mode, etc.) and the player receiving the unit does not have the corresponding upgrade, the moment the unit is given with this trigger, all the upgrades the unit had will be upgraded and given.
补丁 1.04 中添加的操作。这是一个将特定位置的特定玩家的单位交给另一个玩家的操作,它也非常有用。最著名的例子是 Military You Fight,可以在生产和控制系列地图中看到。作为参考,如果你试图送给其他玩家的单位已经升级(海洋刺激包射程增加、虫族攻击速度增加、坦克围攻模式等),而收到该单位的玩家没有相应的升级,那么当该单位获得此触发器时,该单位拥有的所有升级都将被升级和给予。
2.9. Kill Unit 2.9. Kill Unit (杀戮单位)
zero | Kill all unit for player. 杀死玩家的所有单位。 |
one | K - Delete all [ Units ] of [ Player ] . K - 删除 [ Player ] 的所有 [ 单位 ] 。 |
This is an action that destroys all units of that type regardless of their number or location. Its versatility is inferior to Kill Unit at Location below, but since this one does not need to specify the range, it is often used when removing disposable units or skill units. used
此操作将销毁该类型的所有单元,无论其编号或位置如何。它的多功能性不如下面的 Kill Unit at Location,但由于这个不需要指定射程,所以经常在移除一次性单位或技能单位时使用。使用
2.10. Kill Unit At Location
2.10. 在原址杀死单位
zero | Kill numfind locunit for player at 'location'. 在 'location' 杀死玩家的 numfindlocunit。 |
one | K - Destroy [ player ]'s [ units ] [ how many ] at [location]. K - 在 [位置] 摧毁 [ 玩家 ] 的 [ 单位 ] [ 数量 ]。 |
Same as the trigger above, but destroys the set number of units within the set location. It is also possible to destroy all units within the location. From patch 1.04, you can set the amount of units destroyed.
与上面的触发器相同,但会销毁设置位置内的设置数量的单位。也可以摧毁该位置内的所有单位。从补丁 1.04 开始,您可以设置销毁的单位数量。
Note that when killing units, always start with the unit at the top left of the location and work your way down. This also applies to Remove Unit At Location.
请注意,在击杀单位时,请始终从位置左上角的单位开始,然后逐渐向下。这也适用于 Remove Unit At Location。
2.11. Leaderboard (Control At Location)
2.11. 排行榜 (Control At Location)
zero | Show Leader Board for most control of unit at 'location'. 显示排行榜,了解“location”中单元的大部分控制权。 Display Label : 'label' 显示标签 : 'label' |
one | L - Shows the leaderboard in order of having the most [ units ] at the location [ location ]. L - 按位置 [ location ] 中 [ 单位 ] 最多的顺序显示排行榜 。
Leaderboard Title: [ Name ] 排行榜标题: [ 姓名 ] |
As an aside, if even one player among the players has a checkbox in common with the leaderboard-type action trigger, the leaderboard is displayed on the screen of all players in the game.
2.12. Leaderboard (Control)
2.12. 排行榜(控件)
zero | Show Leader Board for most control of unit. 显示排行榜以控制大多数设备。 Display Label : 'label' 显示标签 : 'label' |
one | L - Shows the leaderboard in order of having the most [ Units ]. L - 按具有最多 [ Units ] 的顺序显示排行榜。
Leaderboard Title: [ Name ] 排行榜标题: [ 姓名 ] |
2.13. Leaderboard (Greed)
2.13. 排行榜(贪婪)
zero | Show Greed Leader Board for player closest to accumulation of quantity ore and gas. 显示最接近矿石和气体数量积累的玩家的贪婪排行榜。 |
one | L - Displays the current resource amount on the leaderboard, in order of mineral and gas holdings closest to [ number ]. L - 在排行榜上显示当前资源量,按最接近 [ 数字 ] 的矿物和天然气持有量顺序排列。 |
2.14. Leaderboard (Kills)
2.14. 排行榜(杀戮数)
zero | Show Leader Board for most kill of unit. 显示单位击杀最多的排行榜。 Display Label : 'label' 显示标签 : 'label' |
one | L - Shows the leaderboard in order of the most [ units ] destroyed. L - 按销毁的 [ 单位 ] 的顺序显示排行榜。
Leaderboard Title: [ Name ] 排行榜标题: [ 姓名 ] |
2.15. Leaderboard (Points)
2.15. 排行榜(积分)
zero | Show Leader Board for most kill of points. 显示排行榜以获得最多的击杀点。 Display Label : 'label' 显示标签 : 'label' |
one | L - Shows the leaderboard in order of highest score L - 按最高分的顺序显示排行榜.
Leaderboard Title: [ Name ] 排行榜标题: [ 姓名 ] |
2.16. Leaderboard (Resources)
2.16. 排行榜(资源)
zero | Show Leader Board for accumulation of most resource. 显示排行榜以积累大多数资源。 Display Label : 'label' 显示标签 : 'label' |
one | L - Displays the leaderboard in order of gathering the most [ Resources ]. L - 按收集最多的 [ Resources ] 的顺序显示排行榜。
Leaderboard Title: [ Name ] 排行榜标题: [ 姓名 ] |
2.17. Leaderboard Computer Players(State)
2.17. 排行榜计算机玩家(状态)
zero | state use of computer players in leaderboard calculations. 州 Computer: 玩家在排行榜计算中的使用情况。 |
one | L - Set the computer player's leaderboard use status to [ On ]. L - 将计算机玩家的排行榜使用状态设置为 [ On ]。 |
2.18. Leaderboard Goal (Control At Location)
2.18. 排行榜目标(在位置控制)
zero | Show Leader Board for player closest to control of quantity of unit at 'location'. 显示最接近控制 'location' 单位数量的玩家的排行榜。 Display Label : 'label' 显示标签 : 'label' |
one | LG - In the location [ location ] , the number of [ units ] possessed is closest to [ number ], and the remaining number of leaderboards are displayed. LG - 在位置 [ location ] 中,拥有的 [ 单位 ] 数量最接近 [ 数字 ],并显示排行榜的剩余数量。
Leaderboard Title: [ Name ] 排行榜标题: [ 姓名 ] |
2.19. Leaderboard Goal (Control)
2.19. 排行榜目标 (Control)
zero | Show Leader Board for player closest to control of quantity of unit. 显示最接近单位数量控制的玩家的排行榜。 Display Label : 'label' 显示标签 : 'label' |
one | LG - Shows the leaderboard of the remaining numbers in the order in which the number of [ Units ] possessed is closest to [ Number ]. LG - 按拥有的 [ 单位 ] 数量最接近 [ 数字 ] 的顺序显示剩余数字的排行榜。
Leaderboard Title: [ Name ] 排行榜标题: [ 姓名 ] |
2.20. Leaderboard Goal (Kills)
2.20. 排行榜目标(击杀数)
zero | Show Leader Board for player closest to control of quantity kills of unit. 显示最接近控制单位击杀数量的玩家的排行榜。 Display Label : 'label' 显示标签 : 'label' |
one | LG - Displays the remaining number of leaderboards in order of destroying [ specific unit ] closest to [ number ]. LG - 按照摧毁最接近 [ 数字 ] 的 [ 特定单位 ] 的顺序显示排行榜的剩余数量。
Leaderboard Title: [ Name ] 排行榜标题: [ 姓名 ] |
2.21. Leaderboard Goal (Points)
2.21. 排行榜目标(积分)
zero | Show Leader Board for player closest to control of quantity points. 显示最接近 quantitypoints 控制的玩家的排行榜。 Display Label : 'label' 显示标签 : 'label' |
one | LG - Shows the remaining points in the leaderboard in the order in which [ specific score ] was obtained closest to [ number ]. LG - 按照最接近 [ 数字 ] 的 [ 特定分数 ] 的顺序显示排行榜中的剩余分数。
Leaderboard Title: [ Name ] 排行榜标题: [ 姓名 ] |
2.22. Leaderboard Goal (Resources)
2.22. 排行榜目标(资源)
zero | Show Leader Board for player closest to accumulation of quantity resource. 显示最接近 quantityresource 累积的玩家的排行榜。 Display Label : 'label' 显示标签 : 'label' |
one | LG - Shows the leaderboard of the remaining resources in the order that the holding amount of [ resource ] is closest to [ number ]. LG - 按照 [ resource ] 的持有量最接近 [ number ] 的顺序显示剩余资源的排行榜。
Leaderboard Title: [ Name ] 排行榜标题: [ 姓名 ] |
2.23. Minimap Ping 2.23. 小地图 Ping
zero | Show minimap ping for current player at 'location'. 在 'location' 显示当前玩家的小地图 ping。 |
one | M - Informs the player of the location of the location [ location ] on the minimap. M - 通知玩家小地图上 [ location ] 的位置。 |
Displays a point on the minimap of the player selected in the Player tab.
在 Player (玩家) 选项卡中选择的玩家的小地图上显示一个点。
It is the same as the function displayed by Alt + left-click on the minimap. It's good to see it as a weakened version of Center View, but it's good because it allows you to turn off appropriate aggro without interfering when the player needs to focus on other play or is in an urgent situation to turn the screen. However, when text is not accompanied or when other players play a prank by clicking alt + minimap, it may be overlooked without knowing whether it exists, so it is good to use it with other suitable display means.
它与 Alt + 左键单击小地图上显示的功能相同。将其视为 Center View 的弱化版本是件好事,但它很好,因为它允许您在玩家需要专注于其他游戏或处于紧急状态来转动屏幕时关闭适当的仇恨而不会干扰。但是,当没有文字陪伴或者其他玩家通过点击 alt + 小地图进行恶作剧时,可能会在不知道是否存在的情况下被忽略,因此最好与其他合适的显示方式一起使用。
2.24. Modify Unit Energy ☆
2.24. 修改单位能量 ☆
zero | Set energy points for numfind locunit owned by player at 'location' to percent%. 将玩家在“location”拥有的 numfindlocunit 的能量值设置为百分比%。 |
one | S - Sets the energy of [ player ]'s [ unit ] at [ location ] to [ how many ]%. S - 将 [ 玩家 ] 在 [ 位置 ] 的 [ 单位 ] 的能量设置为 [ 多少 ]%。 |
Modifies the purple energy slots of units that can use magic by a certain percentage.
One thing to note is that there is a difference between setting the basic 200 energy block to 100% and after upgrading the energy block or setting the hero unit's energy block of 250 energy block to 100%.
需要注意的一点是,将基本的 200 能量块设置为 100% 和升级能量块后或将英雄单位的 250 能量块的能量块设置为 100% 之间存在差异。
2.25. Modify Unit Hanger Count ☆
2.25. 修改单位吊架数量 ☆
zero | Add at most quanthangar to hangar for numfind locunit at 'location' owned by player. 最多为玩家拥有的 'location' 的 numfindlocunit 的 quanhangar 添加到 hangar 中。 |
one | S - Adds [ how many ] (units) of [ player ] to the storage count of [ unit ] at [ location ]. S - 将 [ 玩家 ] 的 [ 多少 ] (单位) 添加到 [ 位置 ] 的 [ 单位 ] 的存储计数中。 |
Adjust the number of carrier interceptors and river scarabs.
调整 carrier interceptor 和 river scarab 的数量。Note that it is "addition", not "setting". Assigning 1 scarab to a river with 9 scarabs does not result in 1 scarab, but +1 to 10 scarabs. Of course, this trigger has no effect on carriers and rivers whose stowage numbers are full.
请注意,它是 “addition”,而不是 “setting”。将 1 个圣甲虫分配给有 9 个圣甲虫的河流不会得到 1 个圣甲虫,而是 +1 到 10 个圣甲虫。当然,此触发器对积载编号已满的承运人和河流没有影响。[9]Also, you cannot adjust the number of units in range, such as health adjustments or shield adjustments.
此外,您无法调整范围内的单位数量,例如生命值调整或护盾调整。2.26. Modify Unit Hit Points ☆
2.26. 修改单位生命值 ☆
zero | Set hit points for numfind locunit owned by player. at 'location' to percent%. 为玩家拥有的 numfindlocunit 设置生命值。在 'location' 到 percent%。 |
one | S - Sets the health of [ unit ] of [ player ] at [ location ] to [ how many ]%. S - 将 [ 位置 ] 的 [ 玩家 ] 的 [ 单位 ] 的生命值设置为 [ 多少 ]%。 |
Fixes the HP of all specific units within the range to a specific percentage. Unlike the trigger above, it operates as setto unconditionally, and in the case of 0%, it becomes 1. For reference, I don't know if it's a bug or not, but if you use this trigger with the unit's HP set very high with a special editor, you need to use it with care because the HP is set very low.
将范围内所有特定单位的 HP 固定为特定百分比。与上面的触发器不同,它无条件地按照 setto 运行,如果为 0%,则变为 1。作为参考,我不知道这是否是一个错误,但是如果你在单位的 HP 设置得非常高的情况下使用这个触发器和一个特殊的编辑器,你需要小心使用它,因为 HP 设置得非常低。
2.27. Modify Unit Resource Amount ☆
2.27. 修改单位资源量 ☆
zero | Set resource amount for numfind resource sources owned by player. at 'location' to quantres. 为 player 拥有的 numfind 资源源设置资源量。at 'location' 到 quantres。 |
one | S - Sets [ Player ]'s [ Resources ] to [ How many ] . S - 将 [ Player ] 的 [ Resources ] 设置为 [ How many ] 。 |
If you set the resource amount to 9 or more and use it with the Preserve Trigger, you can prevent the resource from being depleted. In the case of Vespene Gas, you can adjust the amount that can be mined at once by adjusting it between 1 and 8, and the geyser will not be depleted, but it is not often used below 9 because it continuously outputs a message that the Vespene Gas is depleted along with a characteristic hissing sound every time you mine the gas. In the case of minerals, since they disappear the moment they are depleted, the value is given generously to prevent them from being depleted and disappearing before this trigger is executed.
如果您将资源数量设置为 9 或更高,并将其与 Preserve Trigger 一起使用,则可以防止资源耗尽。在 Vespene Gas 的情况下,您可以通过在 1 到 8 之间调整一次可以开采的数量,并且间歇泉不会耗尽,但它在 9 以下并不经常使用,因为它会不断输出 Vespene Gas 耗尽的消息,并伴有特有的嘶嘶声每次开采气体。对于矿物,由于它们在耗尽的那一刻就会消失,因此会慷慨地赋予该值以防止它们在执行此触发器之前耗尽和消失。
2.28. Modify Unit Shield Points ☆
2.28. 修改单位护盾点数 ☆
zero | Set shield points for numfind locunit owned by player. at 'location' to percent%. 为玩家拥有的 numfindlocunit 设置盾牌点数。在 'location' 到 percent%。 |
one | S - Sets the shields of [ player ]'s [ unit ] at [ location ] to [ how many ]%. S - 将 [ 玩家 ] 在 [ 位置 ] 的 [ 单位 ] 的护盾设置为 [ 多少 ]%。 |
Shield version of Modify Unit Hit Points above. However, the shield has a value of 0, so if you enter 0%, it becomes 0.
修改单位生命值的盾牌版本。但是,盾牌的值为 0,因此如果您输入 0%,它将变为 0。
2.29. Move Location 2.29. 移动位置
zero | Center location labeled 'destination' on unit owned by player at 'location'. 在玩家拥有的 'location' 单元上标有 'destination' 的中心位置。 |
one | M - The [ Target Location ] location is moved to the [ Player ]'s [ Unit ] at the location [ Location ]. M - 将 [ TargetLocation ] 位置移动到 [ Player ] 的 [ Unit ] 位置 [ Location ]。 |
The word order in the Korean version is different from the English version, so it can be a bit confusing, but the location specified as 'destination' moves to the unit within the location specified as 'location'. At this time, the location moves to the center of the unit, and if the specified unit is not within the range, it moves to the exact center of the location specified as 'location'. It is often confused that it moves to Anywhere, that is, the center of the map, but this is not the case. The location cannot go out of the map with this trigger. It does not go out of the map, but is pushed inward to be moved.
韩文版本中的词序与英文版本不同,因此可能会有点混淆,但指定为 'destination' 的位置会移动到指定为 'location' 的位置内的单元。此时,位置移动到单元的中心,如果指定的单元不在范围内,则移动到指定为 'location' 的位置的确切中心。人们经常会混淆它移动到 Anywhere,即地图的中心,但事实并非如此。使用此触发器,该位置无法从地图中消失。它不会从地图中消失,而是被向内推以移动。
It is usually used in sets with Preserve trigger to follow the player's unit only once, and in Tom and Jerry series maps, when a unit is purchased, it is often used to move right next to the unit that is directly related to the player's victory or defeat. However, if directly linked, there are cases where the purchased unit is deleted with a warning message when the surrounding area is full, so it is often produced in a remote area and the unit is moved to the moved location when it reaches that area.
它通常在带有 Preserve 触发器的套装中使用,只跟随玩家的单位一次,而在 Tom and Jerry 系列地图中,当购买单位时,它通常用于移动到与玩家的胜利或失败直接相关的单位旁边。但是,如果直接链接,则在某些情况下,当周围区域已满时,购买的单元会被删除并显示警告消息,因此它通常是在偏远地区生产的,当它到达该区域时,该单元会移动到移动的位置。
2.30. Move Unit 2.30. 移动单位
zero | Move numfind locunit for player at 'location' to 'destination'. 将 'location' 的玩家的 numfindlocunit 移动到 'destination'。 |
one | M - Moves [ units ] of [ player ] from [ location ] to [ destination ]. M - 将 [ 玩家] 的 [ 单位 ] 从 [ 位置 ] 移动到 [ 目标 ]。 |
If a unit cannot move to that point, the unit will stop, and this can be used to implement holding. However, even if this is done, it is difficult to completely fix the unit, and there is a problem with avoiding projectile attacks such as Dragoon or Mutal, and long-motion attacks such as Dark or Marine. From Patch 1.04, you can set the amount of units that are moved.
如果一个单位无法移动到那个点,这个单位就会停止,这可以用来实现保持。但是,即使这样做了,也很难完全修复该单位,并且存在避免 Dragoon 或 Mutal 等弹丸攻击以及 Dark 或 Marine 等长距离攻击的问题。从 Patch 1.04 开始,您可以设置移动的单位数量。
2.31. Mute Unit Speech
2.31. 将单元语音静音
zero | Mute all non-trigger unit sounds for current player. 将当前玩家的所有非触发单元声音静音。 |
one | P - The player mutes all units except the one affected by the trigger. P - 玩家将除受触发器影响的单位之外的所有单位静音。 |
The sound of units and buildings when the player clicks or issues commands is muted.
[10] Furthermore, as if Aldaris was clicked, the portrait also does not move. The sound effect of the attack
[11] , Destruction sound effects, lines telling workers that a building cannot be built are very subtle, and other background sounds of the game itself, wav sounds, and system notification sounds for each race are played at normal volumes . It was mainly used when characters spoke lines in campaigns .
当玩家点击或发出命令时,单位和建筑物的声音会被静音。[10]此外,就像点击了 Aldaris 一样,肖像也不会移动。攻击的音效 [11] 、破坏音效、告诉工人不能建造建筑物的台词都非常微妙,游戏本身的其他背景音、wav 声音和每个种族的系统通知声音都以正常音量播放。它主要用于角色在战役中说台词时。In a way, it doesn't seem like a big use, but sometimes it's used for the purpose of scaring people with external sounds like screams like a horror use map. However, as mentioned above, notification sounds and attack sounds cannot be muted regardless of whether they are loud or small, so player units are often used as invincible civilians who can neither be hit nor attacked.
在某种程度上,它似乎不是一个大用途,但有时它被用于用外部声音吓唬人,比如像恐怖使用地图一样的尖叫声。但是,如上所述,通知音和攻击音无论大声还是小声都无法静音,因此玩家单位经常被用作既不能被击中也不能被攻击的无敌平民。2.32. Order ☆ 2.32. 顺序 ☆
zero | Issue order to all locunit owned by player at 'location': 向玩家在 'location' 拥有的所有 locunit 发出命令: order to 'destination'. order 到 'destination' 的 |
one | I - At location [ location ], [ player ]'s [ unit ] takes [ action ] to [ destination ]. I - 在位置 [ 位置 ], [ 玩家 ] 的 [ 单位 ] 向 [ 目标 ] 执行 [ 操作 ]。 |
This is a new action added in patch 1.04. The selectable options for the 'Action' section are Move, Attack, and Patrol.
这是补丁 1.04 中添加的新操作。'Action' 部分的可选选项包括 Move、Attack 和 Patrol。If the action item is set to Attack, if the units in the starting location are the player's units, those units will attack all enemy units encountered while moving to the destination location. It is literally an attack land, and if set to move, it becomes a move land.
如果操作项设置为 Attack,如果起始位置的单位是玩家的单位,则这些单位将攻击移动到目标位置时遇到的所有敌方单位。它实际上是个攻击地,如果设置为移动,它就会变成移动地。However, if the units within the starting location are computer units, they will not attack any enemies they encounter while moving to the destination unless they are attacked first. However, hero units attack if an enemy enters their attack range while moving.
但是,如果起始位置内的单位是计算机单位,则除非他们先被攻击,否则他们不会攻击他们在移动到目的地时遇到的任何敌人。但是,如果敌人在移动时进入他们的攻击范围,英雄单位就会进行攻击。If you want your computer's units to attack enemies they encounter on the way to your destination, the only way is to patrol. They literally patrol, moving from the starting point to the destination, then back to the starting point, and then moving to the destination again.
[12] AI archons (including Tassadar/Zeratul) have the characteristic of showing a unique artificial intelligence that reacts when a long-range unit hits them outside the movement route or in the opposite direction, but is confused and eventually goes on its way.
如果你想让你的电脑单位攻击他们在前往目的地的路上遇到的敌人,唯一的办法就是巡逻。他们实际上是在巡逻,从起点移动到目的地,然后回到起点,然后再次移动到目的地。[12]AI 执政官(包括 Tassadar/Zeratul)具有展示独特人工智能的特征,当远程单位在移动路线之外或相反方向击中他们时,它会做出反应,但会感到困惑并最终继续前进。This is one of the commonly used triggers because, except for multiplayer opponents and AI, opposing units or buildings do not move on their own.
这是常用的触发器之一,因为除了多人游戏对手和 AI 之外,敌方单位或建筑物不会自行移动。2.33. Pause Game 2.33. 暂停游戏
zero | Pause the game. 暂停游戏。 |
one | P - Stop the game. (single player only) P - 停止游戏。(仅限单人游戏) |
The name of the trigger is
Pause , and even the Korean version says
stop , so first-time users may misunderstand
it . What this means is that sometimes when you run a use map in single play, the mouse point is often fixed at the start point and you can't move it.
[13] You may have seen the phenomenon, but that is an example of using this function. If you put this trigger right now, randomly hang a command trigger on the computer unit and check the mini-map, it moves just fine. To make it easier to understand, it is simple to think of it as upward compatibility of the second sentence of the second paragraph in the screen movement trigger item. Of course, this trigger also stops just once unless an infinite repeat trigger is attached, and if it is removed or attached, if there is no restart trigger during the trigger, it becomes an infinite stop state. However, you can also move the screen by pressing ESC, but if the effect of ESC is reduced, it will stop on the moved screen.
触发器的名称是 暂停 ,甚至韩版也说 停止 ,因此初次使用的用户可能会误解它。这意味着,有时当您在单个游戏中运行使用地图时,鼠标点通常固定在起点,您无法移动它。[13] 您可能已经看到了这种现象,但那是使用此功能的一个例子。如果你现在就放这个触发器,随机在电脑上挂一个命令触发器,然后检查小地图,它移动得很好。为了更容易理解,可以简单地将其视为屏幕移动触发器项中第二段第二句的向上兼容性。当然,除非附加了无限重复触发器,否则此触发器也只会停止一次,如果它被移除或附加,如果在触发器期间没有重新启动触发器,则它将成为无限停止状态。但是,您也可以通过按 ESC 来移动屏幕,但如果 ESC 的效果降低,它将停止在移动的屏幕上。It is a single campaign-only trigger, and the scene where the heroes pause briefly when talking in the campaign also uses this trigger. Unfortunately, in multiplayer, use with the 'Set Next Scenario' trigger is blocked, so putting this trigger has no effect. On a map with survival conditions for a hero unit, if a trigger causes the hero unit to disappear (such as activating the Remove trigger), if this trigger does not work, the mission is immediately lost. Therefore, when running a campaign map in multiplayer, it is necessary to change the hero unit's survival condition to a death trigger.
它是一个仅限战役的触发器,英雄在战役中交谈时短暂停顿的场景也使用此触发器。遗憾的是,在多人游戏中,与 'Set Next Scenario' 触发器一起使用会被阻止,因此放置此触发器不起作用。在具有英雄单位生存条件的地图上,如果触发导致英雄单位消失(例如激活移除触发),如果该触发不起作用,则任务立即丢失。因此,在多人游戏中运行战役地图时,有必要将英雄单位的生存条件更改为死亡触发器。2.34. Pause Timer ☆
2.34. 暂停计时器 ☆
zero | Pause the countdown timer. 暂停倒数计时器。 |
one | T - Stop the timer. T - 停止计时器。 |
2.35. Play WAV 2.35. 播放 WAV
zero | Play 'wav'. 播放 'wav'。 |
one | O - Play [ WAV file ]. O - 播放 [ WAV 文件 ]。 |
Music can be played within the map. When you hit the preserve trigger on the sound source, use a wait trigger equal to the running time of the sound source (in this case, if you insert the speed, the beum overlaps).
可以在地图内播放音乐。当您在声源上按下 Preserve 触发器时,使用等于声源运行时间的 wait 触发器(在这种情况下,如果插入速度,则 beum 会重叠)。
Or, like a kind of playback, a specific unit can be moved while the sound source is being played, and playback can be ended when the unit arrives at a specific point.
2.36. Preserve Trigger 2.36. 保留触发器
zero | Preserve trigger. 保留触发器。 |
one | W - Repeat this trigger infinitely. W - 无限重复此触发器。 |
An action that allows a trigger to run over and over again without ending in a single use. If this is not in the action part, the trigger is executed only once and is invalid thereafter, but if it exists, as
long as the condition is satisfied[14] It runs continuously until the game is over. For reference, when there are several actions in the action part, the order of other actions is usually important, but this infinite repetition action plays the same role no matter where it is located.
允许触发器反复运行而不以一次使用结束的操作。如果这不在动作部分,则触发器只执行一次,此后无效,但如果存在,只要满足条件 [14] 它就会一直运行,直到游戏结束。作为参考,当 action 部分有多个动作时,其他动作的顺序通常很重要,但这个无限重复的动作无论位于何处,都起着相同的作用。For example in conditional
例如,在 conditionalIf you put two Elapsed Time triggers, the action repeats infinitely from 1 second to just before 60 seconds (Preserve Trigger), and then stops repeating after 60 seconds.
如果放置两个 Elapsed Time 触发器,则操作将从 1 秒到 60 秒之前无限重复(Preserve Trigger),然后在 60 秒后停止重复。
2.37. Remove Unit 2.37. 移除单元
zero | Remove all unit for player. 删除玩家的所有单位。 |
one | K - Delete all [ Units ] of [ Player ] . K - 删除 [ Player ] 的所有 [ 单位 ] 。 |
Deletes a unit without leaving a trace. In the case of Kill Unit, when you execute it, the unit is destroyed, but this one disappears immediately without a destruction effect. Unlike Kill Unit, it is applied immediately, and if you execute create-delete within one cycle, the unit will not be visible. On the contrary, if you execute delete-create in one cycle, in the case of Kill Unit, the unit is killed and then created, so the created unit is created below the location of the killed unit, but in the case of Remove Unit, the deleted unit is created in the location of the deleted unit.
删除设备而不留下痕迹。在 Kill Unit 的情况下,当你执行它时,该单位会被摧毁,但这个单位会立即消失,没有破坏效果。与 Kill Unit 不同,它是立即应用的,如果您在一个周期内执行 create-delete,则该单位将不可见。相反,如果在一个循环中执行删除-创建,则在 Kill Unit 的情况下,先杀死该单位,然后再创建该单位,因此创建的单位是在被杀死的单位的位置下方创建的,但在 Remove Unit 的情况下,删除的单位是在已删除的单位的位置创建。
2.38. Remove Unit At Location
2.38. 在位置移除设备
zero | Remove numfind locunit for player at 'location'. 删除 'location' 中玩家的 numfindlocunit。 |
one | K - Deletes [ units ] [ how many ] of [ player ] at [ location ]. K - 删除 [ 位置 ] 的 [ 单位 ] [ 多少 ] 的 [ 玩家 ] 。 |
This trigger has the same function as the above trigger, but it can specify a location to delete units in that location, and you can also specify how many to delete. It is also used in the use map to quickly change buildings or units by combining delete and create. However, in the case of
Terran bunkers, if you use delete, something remains, and if the create trigger within one cycle is triggered at that location, an error message will appear, so you have to create it in the next cycle. From patch 1.04, you can set the amount of units to be deleted.
此触发器的功能与上述触发器相同,但它可以指定删除该位置中的单元的位置,您还可以指定要删除的数量。它还用于使用地图,通过组合 delete 和 create 来快速更改建筑物或单元。但是,在 Terran 地堡的情况下,如果你使用 delete,会留下一些东西,如果一个周期内的创建触发器在该位置触发,则会出现一条错误消息,因此你必须在下一个周期中创建它。从补丁 1.04 开始,您可以设置要删除的单位数量。2.39. Run AI Script
2.39. 运行 AI 脚本
zero | Execute AI script 'script'. 执行 AI 脚本 'script'。 |
one | I - Apply Artificial Intelligence [ Select ] to that player . I - 将人工智能 [ Select ] 应用于该播放器。 |
For a description of the artificial intelligence in the Run AI Script and Run AI Script At Location triggers, see
those entries .
有关 Run AI Script (运行 AI 脚本) 和 Run AI Script At Location (在位置运行 AI 脚本) 触发器中人工智能的描述,请参阅这些条目 。However, most of the AI works only with the 'Run AI Script at Location' below, so it is rarely used except for turning the sight off and on.
但是,大多数 AI 仅适用于下面的“在位置运行 AI 脚本”,因此除了关闭和打开瞄准器外,它很少使用。2.40. Run AI Script At Location
2.40. 在现场运行 AI 脚本
zero | Execute AI script 'script' at 'location'. 在 'location' 处执行 AI 脚本 'script'。 |
one | I - Applies AI[ select ] to units within location[ location ]. I - 将 AI[ select ] 应用于 location[ location ] 内的单位。 |
It is a practical AI operation trigger, and there are several AIs such as melee triggers, scripts used in campaigns, recalls, and webcasts. Of these, except for the AI that boards/disembarks surrounding vehicles, only computer players are normally applied.
它是一个实用的 AI 操作触发器,有多种 AI,例如近战触发器、活动中使用的脚本、召回和网络广播。其中,除了上下周围车辆的 AI 外,通常只应用计算机播放器。Some campaign scripts can be mixed, but most of them have specific unit restrictions or bans, so it's not too many to conflict with.
[15] It would have been more useful if it was possible to create or manipulate scripts in its own editor.
一些战役脚本可以混合使用,但大多数都有特定的单位限制或禁令,因此不会有太多冲突。[15]如果可以在自己的编辑器中创建或操作脚本,那将会更有用。For reference, if you drive multiple computers into one place and apply artificial intelligence, only one computer normally picks up a worker, and the rest don't pick up a worker. In other words, in the case of Zerg, they cannot develop because they do not pull out drones, and even other races cannot develop virtually if they annihilate only the first workers given.
作为参考,如果您将多台计算机开到一个地方并应用人工智能,通常只有一台计算机会拾取一个工人,其余计算机不会拾取一个工人。换句话说,就虫族而言,他们无法发展,因为他们不拔出无人机,甚至其他种族如果只消灭第一批给予的工人,就无法虚拟地发展。2.41. Set Alliance Status ☆
2.41. 设置联盟状态 ☆
zero | Set player to allystatus. 将 player 设置为 allystatus。 |
one | S - Consider [ Player ] as [ Alliance Status ]. S - 将 [ 玩家 ] 视为 [ 联盟状态 ]。 |

Action added in patch 1.04. There are three alliance states: Enemy, Ally, and Allied Victory. If set to Allied Victory, the victory conditions will be shared, so if one player achieves the victory conditions, both players will win. Conversely, if you create a normal game without Allied Victory, if one player wins, the other player will lose.
补丁 1.04 中添加了操作。有三个联盟状态:Enemy、Ally 和 Allied Victory。如果设置为 Allied Victory,则胜利条件将被共享,因此如果一名玩家达到胜利条件,则两名玩家都将获胜。相反,如果您创建一个没有 Allied Victory 的普通游戏,如果一个玩家获胜,另一个玩家将失败。For example, you can set up an alliance between the computer and the player, or create a situation where an ally turns into an enemy after a specific event. Also, if you set the condition to Always, add a Preserve Trigger at the end of execution, and set the alliance status, you can fix the alliance status in a high-voltage game. If an attempt is made to attack, it is canceled immediately, preventing players from arbitrarily forming or forming alliances and making the game a mess. However, in the case of a unit with a short attack motion , it is possible to attack by repeatedly attacking.
例如,您可以在计算机和玩家之间建立联盟,或者创建盟友在特定事件后变成敌人的情况。此外,如果您将条件设置为 Always,在执行结束时添加 Preserve Trigger,并设置联盟状态,则可以在高压游戏中修复联盟状态。如果有人试图攻击,它会立即被取消,防止玩家随意组建或结盟,使游戏变得一团糟。但是,在 单位 短 攻击动作 的情况下,可以通过反复攻击来攻击。2.42. Set Countdown Timer
2.42. 设置 Countdown Timer
zero | Modify Countdown Timer: modify duration seconds. 修改倒数计时器:modifyduration 秒。 |
one | T - Sets the countdown timer to [ several ]Sec (1 second) . T - 将倒数计时器设置为 [ 几个 ]秒(1 秒) 。 |
2.43. Set Deaths ☆
2.43. 设置死亡 ☆
zero | Modify death counts for player: modify quantity for unit-noany. 修改玩家的死亡计数:unit-noany 的 modifyquantity 。 |
one | S - Sets the number of [ units ] of [ player ] destroyed by [ how many ] . S - 设置被 [ 多少 ] 摧毁的 [ 玩家 ] 的 [ 单位 ] 的数量。 |
A trigger that sets the number of destroyed units. Usually, it is relatively free to deal with rather than its own function, and it is simply used as a variable by using many kinds of characteristics.
设置被摧毁单位数量的触发器。通常,它相对自由地处理而不是它自己的功能,它只是通过使用多种特征作为变量使用。Many producers wonder why there is no Set Kills when there is this trigger.
许多制作人想知道为什么当有这个触发器时没有 Set Kills。Commonly known as the death trigger, it is the most useful trigger that can be used as a variable in fact, so it brought a revolution to the use map along with the turbo trigger, and there is an EUD
trigger derived from the death trigger.
俗称死亡触发器,它是实际上可以用作变量的最有用的触发器,因此它与涡轮触发器一起为使用地图带来了一场革命,并且有一个从死亡触发器派生的 EUD 触发器。It can also be used as a timer function in conjunction with Turbo Trigger. By adding 1 death at a time without adding a wait, 12 deaths based on Fastest corresponds to approximately 1 second.
它也可以与 Turbo Trigger 一起用作定时器功能。通过一次添加 1 次死亡而不添加等待,基于 Fastest 的 12 次死亡对应于大约 1 秒。2.44. Set Doodad State
2.44. 设置 Doodad State
zero | state doodad state for doodad for player at 'location'. state doodad (状态) 对于 'location' 处的玩家的 doodad (doodad) 的状态。 |
one | S - Applies the [ Decoration ] of [ Player ] at the location [ Location ] to [ Any ] state. S - 将位于 [ Location ] 位置的 [ Player ] 的 [ Decoration ] 应用于 [ Any ] 状态。 |
Its original purpose was to be used as a trigger to open hatches or doors in Installation terrain or to deactivate traps, but it has also been used for other purposes due to the various effects it produces when applied to general units.
[16] It is used for a variety of purposes, such as a tank or marine medic that dances while cloaked, a cloaked beacon, a cloaked Terran building that hangs in the air, and a
photon cannon that operates without
a pylon .
它最初的目的是用作触发器以打开设施地形中的舱口或门或停用陷阱,但由于它应用于一般单位时产生的各种效果,它也被用于其他目的。[16]它有多种用途,例如在隐身时跳舞的坦克或海军医生、隐身信标、悬挂在空中的隐身人族建筑,以及在没有塔架的情况下运行的光子炮。When a certain unit applies this effect and the player sees the screen, it will inevitably trigger a tantrum.
[17] It is also used to prevent
map hacks .
当某个单位施加此效果并且玩家看到屏幕时,它不可避免地会触发发脾气。[17]它也用于防止地图黑客攻击。In fact, in the remaster, only dolmens are created and do not bounce. However, if some units are disabled (disabled), they will bounce
even without looking at the remaster.
事实上,在重制版中,只创建了支石墓并且不会反弹。但是,如果某些单位被禁用(disabled),即使不看重制版,它们也会反弹。[18]The effects have been summarized on
this site . However, as mentioned above, many of the units labeled Crashes only emit dolmens and do not bounce in the remaster.
In other words, it is very suitable as a dolmen creation trigger in the remaster. In some games, dolmens are not created intentionally, but
the EUD is twisted , so it is not a good idea to use it as a dolmen generator.
效果已在此网站上进行了总结。然而,如上所述,许多标记为 Crashes 的单位只会发出 dolmens,并且在重制版中不会反弹。换句话说,它非常适合作为重制版中的支石墓创作触发器。在某些游戏中,支石墓不是故意创建的,但 EUD 是扭曲的,因此将其用作支石墓生成器不是一个好主意。2.45. Set Invincibility 2.45. 设置无敌
zero | state invincibility for unit owned by player at 'location'. 玩家在 'location' 拥有的单位的状态无敌。 |
one | S - Applies invincibility to [ any ] state to [ player ]'s [ unit ] at location [ location ]. S - 对位于位置 [ location ] 的 [ 玩家 ] 的 [ 单位 ] 施加对 [ 任何 ] 状态的无敌状态。 |
The options available in the 'any' item are enable and disable. The ability to literally apply or remove the invincibility state. It is used to increase the survivability of a specific unit by applying it as a toggle, or to make it temporarily invincible, or to induce the sequential destruction of a specific target. Very rarely, in a computer game where computers, like people, sequentially increase tech, there are cases where SCVs are set to be invincible, because there is a problem where if an SCV under construction explodes, the AI cannot continue building and gets damaged. This problem has not been fixed at all even in
the remaster .
“any”项中的可用选项包括 enable 和 disable。从字面上应用或移除无敌状态的能力。它用于通过将其用作开关来提高特定单位的生存能力,或使其暂时无敌,或诱导特定目标的连续摧毁。在极少数情况下,在计算机和人一样依次增加科技的电脑游戏中,存在 SCV 被设置为无敌的情况,因为存在一个问题,如果正在建设的 SCV 爆炸,AI 无法继续构建并损坏。即使在 重制版 中,这个问题也根本没有得到解决。2.46. Set Mission Objectives
2.46. 设置任务目标
zero | Set Mission Objectives to: 将任务目标设置为: text 发短信 |
one | P - Set the goal of the mission: [ Content ] P - 设定任务目标: [ 内容 ] |
If you press the Menu button in the game, you can select Mission Objectives in the menu window that appears.
[19] , is an action that changes the contents to be displayed here. It is usually used to contain brief information about creator introductions or play methods in use maps. Of course, it can also be used for its original purpose of notifying the current goal in the game. Sometimes, if nothing is set, the name of a specific unit is written out of nowhere.
如果您按下游戏中的 Menu 按钮,您可以在出现的菜单窗口中选择 Mission Goals。[19] 是更改要在此处显示的内容的操作。通常用于包含使用地图中有关创作者介绍或播放方法的简要信息。当然,它也可以用于通知游戏中当前目标的最初目的。有时,如果未设置任何内容,则会突然写出特定单元的名称。Through EUD, you can own a specific unit or continuously change the mission object in certain situations.
通过 EUD,您可以拥有特定单位或在某些情况下不断更改任务对象。2.47. Set Next Scenario
2.47. 设置 Next Scenario
zero | Load 'scenario' after completion of current game. 在完成当前游戏后加载 'scenario'。 |
one | P - After finishing the game, go to [ Scenario ]. P - 完成游戏后,转到 [ 场景 ]。 |
2.48. Set Resources 2.48. 设置资源
zero | Modify resources for player: modify quantity resource. 修改玩家的资源:modifyquantityresource。 |
one | S - Sets [ how many ] resources held by [ player ] . S - 设置 [ player ] 持有的 [ 多少 ] 资源。 |
In the 'Set' item, there are three types of options: 'Add', 'Subtract', and 'Substitute'. If the player's resource amount is less than n at the time the trigger "subtract the player's resource amount by n" is executed, it is simply set to 0 and finished.
在 'Set' 项中,有三种类型的选项: 'Add'、'Subtract' 和 'Substitute'。如果在执行触发器 “sub the player's resource amount by n” 时玩家的资源量小于 n,则只需将其设置为 0 并完成。Raising a large number of star resources at once or changing the number is displayed slowly, but in reality it is applied immediately. In other words, if
you add 10,000 to the number of resources you have , even if the displayed resource number seems to rise slowly to +10,000, the moment the trigger is executed, the resource is already +1.
一次筹集大量星型资源或更改数字显示得很慢,但实际上它是立即应用的。换句话说,如果你在你拥有的资源数量上加上 10,000 ,即使显示的资源数量似乎缓慢上升到 +10,000,在执行触发器的那一刻,资源已经是 +1。2.49. Set Score 2.49. 设置分数
zero | Modify score for player: modify quantity points. 修改玩家的分数:modifyquantitypoints。 |
one | S - Sets [ player ]'s [ score ] to [ how many ] . S - 将 [ 玩家 ] 的 [ 分数 ] 设置为 [ 多少 ] 。 |
2.50. Set Switch 2.50. 设置 Switch
zero | switchstatus 'switchname'. switchstatus 'switchname' 的 |
one | S - '[ Switch Settings ]'. S - “[ 切换设置 ]”。 |
This is an action that can control a type of information storage tool called a switch, and if used well, the possibilities are endless. A switch can basically only have two values
, 0 and 1 , but this action makes the switch (i) 0, (ii) 1, (iii) inverts 0 to 1 and 1 to 0, or (iv) randomly makes it either 0 or 1. There is a condition in the conditional that says, "If the switch state is 0 (or 1), ~", and it is well-harmonized with this condition.
这是一个可以控制一种称为开关的信息存储工具的动作,如果使用得当,可能性是无穷无尽的。一个开关基本上只能有两个值 , 0 和 1 ,但此操作使开关 (i) 0、(ii) 1、(iii) 将 0 反转为 1 和 1 反转为 0,或 (iv) 随机使其成为 0 或 1。条件中有一个条件,说“如果开关状态为 0(或 1),则为 ~”,并且它与此条件非常协调。Starting with patch 1.04, the maximum number of switches has increased from 32 to 256, and switch names can also be set.
从补丁 1.04 开始,开关的最大数量从 32 个增加到 256 个,并且还可以设置开关名称。Typical examples of use include:
典型的使用示例包括:It is included in every campaign scenario map directly composed by the production company. As a map that applied the switch 20 years ago, the triggers are quite messy and may be difficult to interpret. The campaign maps were used for the purpose of adjusting the trigger conditions a little more precisely, and unlike the 2000s, the entry barrier for EUD triggers has been lowered, so it is rarely used except in a few cases as follows.
它包含在由制作公司直接编写的每个活动场景图中。作为一张 20 年前应用了 switch 的地图,触发器相当混乱,可能难以解释。战役地图用于更精确地调整触发条件,与 2000 年代不同的是,EUD 触发器的进入门槛已经降低,因此除了以下少数情况外,它很少使用。
keys scattered across the map
[20] When you want to implement a system that opens a door by collecting 3 keys, primitively, whenever you acquire each key, the acquired unit is moved to a place in the corner of the map, and the door is opened when there are 3 units in that place. can However, if you use switches, you can set 3 switches to 0 at the start of the game, change them to 1 each time you acquire a key, and create a trigger that opens the door when all 3 switches are changed to 1, which can be implemented neatly.
散布在地图上的钥匙 [20]当你想实现一个通过收集 3 把钥匙来打开一扇门的系统时,基本上,当你获得每把钥匙时,获得的单位就会移动到地图角落的某个地方,当那个地方有 3 个单位时,门就会打开。可以但是,如果你使用开关,你可以在游戏开始时将 3 个开关设置为 0,每次获得钥匙时将它们更改为 1,并创建一个触发器,当 3 个开关全部更改为 1 时打开门,可以巧妙地实现。
Random drawing or lottery can be implemented in an item acquisition system such as a store. You can create a trigger that randomly sets a few switches, and implement another trigger that gives a prize for each switch combination.
随机抽奖或抽奖可以在商店等物品获取系统中实现。您可以创建一个随机设置几个开关的触发器,并实现另一个为每个开关组合提供奖品的触发器。[21] [22]
2.51. Talking Portrait 2.51. 会说话的肖像
zero | Show portrait talking to current player for duration milliseconds. 显示与当前玩家交谈的肖像持续时间毫秒。 |
one | O - Shows an animation of [ unit ]'s image talking to the player for [ how many ]ms (1/1000th of a second). O - 显示 [ 单位 ] 的图像与玩家交谈 [ 多少 ] 毫秒(1/1000 秒)的动画。 |
2.52. Transmission 2.52. 传输
zero | Send transmission to current player from portrait at 'location'. 将传输从 'location' 的肖像发送到当前玩家。 Play 'wav'. 播放 'wav'。 Modify transmission duration: modify quantity milliseconds. 修改传输时长:modifyquantity 毫秒。 Display the following text: 显示以下文本: text 发短信 |
one | O - Gives a command to [ unit ] at location [ location ] for [ number of ]ms (1/1000th of a second). O - 向位于 [ location ] 位置的 [ unit ] 发出命令,持续 [ 毫秒数 ](1/1000 秒)。
(Operation instruction time [ Set ]) (操作指令时间 [ 设置 ])
Plays [ WAV file ], outputs the following text message: [ Content ] 播放 [ WAV 文件 ] ,输出以下文本消息: [ 内容 ] |
2.53. Unmute Unit Speech
2.53. 取消单元语音的静音
zero | Unmute all non-trigger unit sounds for current player. 取消当前玩家的所有非触发单元声音的静音。 |
one | P - That player turns the unit's sound back on. P - 该播放器重新打开设备的声音。 |
2.54. Unpause Game 2.54. 取消暂停游戏
zero | Unpause the game. 取消暂停游戏。 |
one | P - Restarts a paused game. (Single player only) P - 重新启动暂停的游戏。(仅限单人游戏) |
2.55. Unpause Timer 2.55. 取消暂停计时器
zero | Unpause the countdown timer. 取消暂停倒数计时器。 |
one | T - Restarts a stopped timer. T - 重新启动已停止的计时器。 |
2.56. Victory 2.56. 胜利
zero | End scenario in victory for current player. 当前玩家以胜利结束场景。 |
one | U - This player wins ( ^.^)/... U - 此玩家赢 ( ^.^)/... |
Literally win the game. Also, the remaining players who are not in an alliance victory relationship are automatically defeated.
2.57. Wait 2.57. 等待
zero | Wait for duration milliseconds. 等待持续时间毫秒。 |
one | W - Wait for [ time ]ms (0.001 seconds). W - 等待 [ 时间 ]ms(0.001 秒)。 |
It is used when taking an action and giving a certain delay before taking the next action.
在执行操作并在执行下一个操作之前给予一定的延迟时使用。One thing to be careful about when using this action
is that a player can only use one weight trigger at a time.
使用此操作时需要注意的一点是,玩家一次只能使用一个权重触发器。For example, if there are two triggers, one that creates a Zergling 5 seconds after the game starts, and the other trigger that creates a Zealot 7 seconds after the game starts, a Zergling will spawn 5 seconds later, and a Zealot will spawn 2 seconds later. I think so, but in reality it is not. In reality, Zerglings spawn 5 seconds after the game starts, and Zealots spawn 7 seconds later. When waiting for 5 seconds with the Wait action for the first time, wait until the Wait action of the Juggling trigger ends without the Wait 7 seconds of the Zealot creation trigger. Because of this, the Wait action is rarely used for delay, and instead implements the delay using
the death value .
例如,如果有两个触发器,一个在游戏开始后 5 秒创建虫族,另一个在游戏开始后 7 秒创建狂热者,则 5 秒后生成虫族,2 秒后生成狂热者。我认为是的,但实际上并非如此。实际上,虫族在游戏开始后 5 秒生成,而狂热者在 7 秒后生成。首次使用 Wait 操作等待 5 秒时,请等待 Juggling 触发器的 Wait 操作结束,而不使用 Zealot 创建触发器的 Wait 7 秒。因此, Wait 操作很少用于 delay,而是使用 death 值实现延迟 。Another problem with the wait action is that the EUD turbo is not applied to the frame in which the wait trigger is executed.
等待操作的另一个问题是 EUD turbo 未应用于执行等待触发器的帧。[1] This patch was released at the same time as Brood War .
[1]此补丁与 Brood War 同时发布。[2] If this trigger is included, even the SCM file ( original version) cannot be read by editors prior to version 1.03.
[2] 如果包含此触发器,则 1.03 版本之前的编辑者甚至无法读取 SCM 文件(原始版本)。[3] Especially when buying a unit. It's okay if it's a map that you don't have a lot of types or purchases.
[3] 尤其是在购买设备时。如果它是一张你没有很多类型或购买的地图,那也没关系。[4] However, since the function of the Esc key in single player is to skip execution, pressing it too much may interfere with the game progress.
[4]然而,由于单人游戏中 Esc 键的功能是跳过执行,因此按得太多可能会干扰游戏进度。[5] In particular, it is very, very helpful when setting up events on the mission map.
[5]特别是,在任务地图上设置事件时,它非常非常有帮助。[6] In other words, when applying an energy increase of 50 to the base 50, it comes out with 62.5. However, since energy has no decimal point, it instantly becomes 63 as soon as it comes out.
[6]换句话说,当对 50 的基数 50 施加能量增加时,它会得到 62.5。但是,由于能量没有小数点,所以一出来就瞬间变成 63。[7] Number of armored bombs and interceptors
[7] 装甲炸弹和拦截器的数量[8] In the video map, it can be used as a narration without sound.
[8]在视频地图中,它可以用作无声旁白。[9] For this reason, if an infinite repeat trigger is attached, the increasing number is virtually meaningless.
[9]因此,如果附加了无限重复触发器,则增加的数字实际上毫无意义。[10] In the case of a unit, there is no sound even when it is produced, but it does not inform that production is complete at all, and even if you press the space bar, the unit does not move to the production screen. This is because the units do not say "I'm here~".)
[10] 对于单元,即使生产出来也没有声音,但根本不会通知生产完成,即使你按空格键,单元也不会移动到生产屏幕。这是因为单位没有说“I'm here~”。[11] with magic [11]用魔法[12] The disadvantage is that if you are attacked by a target that you cannot attack while patrolling, the trigger will be cancelled.
[12]缺点是,如果你被巡逻时无法攻击的目标攻击,触发器将被取消。[13] Of course, it moves accurately, but it cannot escape the fixed screen.
[13]当然,它移动准确,但它无法逃脱固定的屏幕。[14] As soon as the execution of the trigger is finished, it returns to the conditional condition and determines whether the condition is satisfied, and if so, the action part is re-executed.
[14]一旦触发器的执行完成,它就会返回到条件条件并确定是否满足条件,如果满足,则重新执行动作部分。[15] Even if there were no specific unit restrictions or bans, it would be a bit of a script to mix and match. However, if you mix scripts of other races, an error occurs that makes only the restaurant of the race set at the start, day and night, even if the population of the race set at the start and the population of the other race is blocked due to the limitations of the old AI. For example, the AI's starting race is protoss, but if you make the protoss and zerg run two races in the game, even if the zerg side's population is insufficient, only pylons will be made day and night. Perhaps it was a bit difficult to solve this problem, but in Warcraft 3 and its follow-up, Starcraft 2 , the population is not divided by race.
[15]即使没有特定的单位限制或禁用,混合搭配也会有点像剧本。但是,如果您混合了其他种族的脚本,则会出现错误,即使由于旧 AI 的限制,在开始时设置的种族人口和其他种族的人口被阻止,也只会在开始时、白天和黑夜设置比赛的餐厅。例如,AI 的起始种族是 protoss,但如果你让 protoss 和 zerg 在游戏中跑两场比赛,即使 zerg 一方的人口不足,也只会昼夜制作晶塔。也许解决这个问题有点困难,但在魔兽争霸 3 及其后续作品《星际争霸 2》中,人口并没有按种族划分。[16] The trigger that sets the opening and closing of the door has been strengthened in patch 1.04.
[16]设置门打开和关闭的触发器在 1.04 补丁中得到了加强。[17] But it doesn't crash in the remaster. Of course, there are units that bounce even in the remaster (for example, medics and pirate ships ), but if you apply this trigger to these units, they bounce even if you don't look at them, so they cannot be used to prevent map hacks. Of course, it may be usable to some extent for fishing maps. .
[17]但它在重制版中并没有崩溃。当然,有些单位即使在重制版中也会反弹(例如,医生和海盗船),但是如果你将此触发器应用于这些单位,即使你不看它们,它们也会反弹,因此它们不能用于防止地图黑客攻击。当然,它可能在一定程度上可用于钓鱼地图。.[18] Medic and pirate ship.
[18] 医生和海盗船。[19] Alternatively, you can enter it by pressing F10 + J on the keyboard without opening the menu window.
[19]或者,您可以通过按键盘上的 F10 + J 来输入它,而无需打开菜单窗口。[20] Usually, it is expressed by attaching the name of a key to a unit such as a data disk or crystal.
[20]通常,它是通过将密钥名称附加到数据磁盘或晶体等单元来表示的。[21] So, for example, after setting three switches randomly, if the status of each switch is 000, give unit A, and if it is 001, give unit B. If it is 111, you can make 8 cases by giving unit H. Of course, the probability of winning A can be doubled by giving A for both 000 and 001.
[21] 因此,例如,在随机设置三个开关后,如果每个开关的状态为 000,则指定单元 A,如果为 001,则指定单元 B。如果是 111,您可以通过给出单位 H 来制作 8 个案例。当然,赢得 A 的概率可以通过同时给出 000 和 001 的 A 来加倍。[22] However, the number of cases does not necessarily have to be a power of 2, such as 2, 4, 8, and 16. For example, if you want to make the number of cases with 3 switches not 8, but 7, switch the switch randomly every time the 8th case comes out. You just need to create a trigger to set it up. However, random setting is performed again with a probability of 1/8. Again and again with 1/64 probability. Can I just not make the 8th trigger? If you don't make it, the number of cases is 8.
[22]但是,案例的数量不一定是 2 的幂,例如 2、4、8 和 16。例如,如果要使具有 3 个开关的 case 数量不是 8,而是 7,则每次出现第 8 个 case 时随机切换开关。您只需创建一个触发器即可进行设置。但是,以 1/8 的概率再次执行随机设置。一次又一次,概率为 1/64。我可以不进行第 8 次触发吗?如果你没有成功,病例数为 8。