StarCraft/Trigger/Conditions 星际争霸/触发器/条件



Last Modified: 2024-11-03 16:18:44
上次修改时间:2024-10-25 05:49:11
 Parent article:StarCraft/Trigger
父条目: 星际争霸/扳机
Starcraft Trigger related documentation
Conditions / Execution ( Artificial Intelligence )
条件 / 执行 ( 人工智能 )
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1. outline 1. 大纲2. List 2. 列表
2.1. Accumulate 2.1. 累积2.2. Always 2.2. 总是2.3. Bring 2.3. 带来2.4. Command 2.4. 命令2.5. Command the Least
2.5. 命令最少
2.6. Command the Least At
2.6. 命令最少的
2.7. Command the Most
2.7. 指挥最
2.8. Command the Most At
2.8. 命令最多的 AT
2.9. Countdown Timer 2.9. 倒数计时器2.10. Deaths 2.10. 死亡2.11. Elapsed Time 2.11. 经过时间2.12. Highest Score 2.12. 最高分2.13. Kill 2.13. 杀死2.14. Least Kills 2.14. 最少杀戮2.15. Least Resources 2.15. 最少的资源2.16. Lowest Score 2.16. 最低分2.17. Memory 2.17. 内存2.18. Most Kills 2.18. 最多杀戮2.19. Most Resources 2.19. 大多数资源2.20. Never 2.20. 从不2.21. Opponents 2.21. 对手2.22. Score 2.22. 分数2.23. Switch 2.23. 开关

1. outline 1. 大纲

Starcraft This is a document that describes the trigger conditions. There are a total of 23 conditionals.
Starcraft 这是描述触发条件的文档。总共有 23 个条件。

2. List 2. 列表

2.1. Accumulate 2.1. 累积

Player accumulates quantitymod quantitynum resource
玩家累积 quantitymodquantitynumresource
N - When [ Player ] has collected [ How many ] of [ Resources ] .
N - 当 [ 玩家 ] 收集了 [ 多少 ] 的 [ 资源 ] 时。

This condition triggers execution when a certain amount of minerals or gas is collected. This is an essential element if there is a system such as a store.[1]
当收集到一定量的矿物或气体时,此条件会触发执行。如果存在 store 等系统,这是一个基本要素。[1]

There are three types of quantitymod: at least, exactly, and at most. At least is the minimum, and exactly is the exact same value.[2] , at most means maximum. For example, "at least 100 ore[3] "in this case, the trigger is executed when the mineral is at least 100, that is, when it is 100, 200, 300, etc. In other words, the trigger is executed when it is more than 100. Therefore, it is not executed when it is 50 or 0. In the case of "exactly 100 ore", the trigger is not executed when the mineral is 50 or 150, but is executed when it is exactly 100.
quantitymod 有三种类型:至少、确切和最多。least 是最小值,并且 是完全相同的值。[2] ,最多表示最大值。例如,“至少 100 矿石 [3] ”在这种情况下,当矿物至少为 100 时执行触发器,即当矿物为 100、200、300 等时。换句话说,当触发器大于 100 时执行。因此,当它为 50 或 0 时不会执行。在“正好 100 个矿石”的情况下,触发器不会在矿物为 50 或 150 时执行,而是在矿物正好为 100 时执行。

In the editor , if you click on the "some" part, a window will pop up where you can set the quantitymod and quantitynum parts at the same time, as shown above. Since we are not familiar with expressions such as at least or at most in Korean, they were replaced with the easier-to-understand expressions "more than" and "less than".
在编辑器中,如果你点击“some”部分,会弹出一个窗口,你可以同时设置 quantitymod 和 quantitynum 部分,如上图所示。由于我们不熟悉韩语中的“至少或最多”等表达方式,因此它们被替换为更容易理解的表达“more than”和“less than”。

2.2. Always 2.2. 总是

A - unconditional A - 无条件

If a Preserved Trigger is attached, it is a condition in which the specified execution continues to occur from the start of the game until the end. Conversely, if there is no Preserved Trigger, it is triggered once as soon as the game starts and it is over.[4]
如果附加了 Preserved Trigger,则指定的执行从游戏开始到结束继续发生。相反,如果没有 Preserved Trigger,则游戏开始后立即触发一次,并且游戏结束。[4]

Mainly, it is used for the following purposes:
  1. When you want to activate it once at the start of the game.
  2. When you want to keep the game from start to finish in combination with Preserved Trigger.
    当您想将游戏从头到尾与 Preserved Trigger 结合使用时。
  3. For debugging tests. 用于调试测试。

The first case is mainly used to display an introductory text as soon as the map starts. If the condition is Always and no Preserved Trigger is set, it will be displayed only once. On the other hand, if you give a Preserved Trigger, it will continue, but if you want to create a trigger that kills the unit when it comes to the border to prevent it from going outside the border, you can do it like this. Lastly, testing can be used to simplify conditions when testing triggers with complex conditions. For example, assuming that a flashy death effect appears when 100 kills are met, it is inconvenient to achieve 100 kills every time you test, so you can temporarily change the conditions to this and test.
第一种情况主要用于在地图开始时立即显示介绍性文本。如果条件为 Always 且未设置 Preserved Trigger,则它只会显示一次。另一方面,如果你给一个 Preserved Trigger,它会继续,但如果你想创建一个触发器,在到达边界时杀死该单位以防止它离开边界,你可以这样做。最后,在测试具有复杂条件的触发器时,可以使用测试来简化条件。比如假设在满足 100 次击杀时出现华丽的死亡效果,每次测试都达到 100 次击杀很不方便,所以可以暂时把条件改成这个来测试。

In Scmdraft 2, if you click ☒ next to a trigger and make it □ (disabled), that is, you can release the trigger without deleting it. regarded as the corresponding trigger. To prevent execution at all, use the Never condition.
在 Scmdraft 2 中,如果单击☒触发器旁边的 并将其设为 □(禁用),也就是说,可以释放触发器而不删除它。视为相应的触发器。要完全阻止执行,请使用 Never 条件。

2.3. Bring 2.3. 带来

Player brings quantitymod quantitynum 'location'.
Player 带来 'location'。
C - If [ Player ] has [ How many ] [ Units ] at [ Location ].
C - 如果 [ 玩家 ] 在 [ 位置 ] 有 [ 多少 ] [ 单位 ] 。

It is a condition for execution to be triggered when a certain number of units are placed in a certain location. It is no exaggeration to say that this is an essential condition that can be found in most use maps, such as teleportation and switches, as well as the store system.

Among units, [buildings] are buildings, [men] are all units that are not buildings, and [factories] are buildings with unit production capabilities.[5] , [any units] refers to things that include all buildings and units.
单位中,[建筑物]是建筑物,[人]都是不是建筑物的单位,[工厂]是具有单位生产能力的建筑物。[5] ,[任何单位] 是指包括所有建筑物和单位的事物。

Among locations, anywhere means that the process takes place regardless of the location. Usually, you specify anywhere when you want to use conditions such as selecting a certain unit.

If the condition is at most 0 [building], buildings under construction are included, but if the condition is set to exactly 0 [building], buildings under construction are not included. Therefore, if you want to implement the Ellie condition accurately, you must use at most 0. This also applies to command conditions. In Episode 6 's 'Reign of Fire', the trigger for losing when there are neither drones nor buildings is set to exactly 0 , so if you mutate both drones you obtain afterwards into buildings, you will be defeated.[6]
如果条件最多为 0 [building],则包括在建建筑物,但如果条件正好设置为 0 [building],则不包括在建建筑物。因此,如果要准确实现 Ellie 条件,您最多必须使用 0。这也适用于命令条件。在第 6 集的“火之统治”中,当既没有无人机也没有建筑物时失败的触发器正好设置为 0 ,因此如果您将之后获得的两只无人机变异到建筑物中,您将被击败。[6]

Please note that this also applies to units inside transport ships. In other words, it is executed if you put the specified unit in the transport ship and go to the set location. However, ground units on a transport ship are treated as air units under this condition, so if the target location is set to only the ground, even if you enter the location, it will not be executed while on the transport ship, and will only be executed when you get off the transport ship.

2.4. Command 2.4. 命令

Player commands quantitymod quantitynum unit.
玩家命令 quantitymodquantitynumunit。
C - When [ Player ] has [ How many ] of [ Units ] .
C - 当 [ 玩家 ] 有 [ 多少 ] 的 [ 单位 ] 时。

It is a condition that activates when you have a certain number of units.

In fact, it is not used well because it is a backward compatible condition of Bring, which nailed the location to anywhere in the Bring condition. However, because Bring is a heavy condition, if you use it a little too much, the frame drops severely, so if it is a condition that can be replaced with Command, use it for optimization.
事实上,它没有得到很好的使用,因为它是 Bring 的向后兼容条件,它将位置固定在 Bring 条件中的任何位置。但是,由于 Bring 是一个繁重的条件,如果使用得太多,帧会严重掉帧,所以如果它是一个可以用 Command 替换的条件,请使用它来进行优化。

However, it must be used when recognizing scanner sweeps generated by communication satellite relay stations . Bring cannot recognize scanner sweeps.
但是,在识别通信卫星中继站生成的扫描仪扫描时,必须使用它。bring 无法识别扫描仪扫描。

A trigger that is often used as a survival condition for a specific hero in a campaign.

When you create a map in StarEdit, there are three triggers that are created by default.[7] Two of them have this condition. They are as follows:
在 StarEdit 中创建映射时,默认情况下会创建三个触发器。[7] 其中两个患有这种疾病。它们如下:
  • Current Player commands at most 0 buildings.[8]
    当前玩家最多指挥 0 个建筑。[8]
    • End Scenario in defeat for current player.
  • Non Allied Victory Players commands at most 0 buildings.
    非盟军胜利玩家最多指挥 0 个建筑。
    • End scenario in victory for current player.

If you own buildings (normal units in Installation terrain) are 0 or less (none), you lose, and you win if the number of buildings (normal units in Installation terrain) of non-affiliated players is 0 or less.
如果您拥有的建筑物(设施地形中的普通单位)为 0 或更少(无),您就输了,如果非附属玩家的建筑物(设施地形中的普通单位)数量为 0 或更少,您就赢了。

2.5. Command the Least
2.5. 命令最少

Current Player commands the least unit.
L - if that player has the fewest [ units ]
L - 如果该玩家的 [ 单位 ] 最少

This condition is triggered when the player selected in the Player tab has the fewest units.
当在 Player (玩家) 选项卡中选择的玩家拥有最少的单位时,将触发此条件。

It's a rare condition where it's really really used. Since the comparison between players is automatic, it has room for use in competitive use maps, but it is very difficult to see because it is better to use the Lowest Score rather than counting the number of individual units.

In addition, in Command the Least At, the location is fixed to Anywhere, which is a backward compatible condition.
此外,在 Command the Least At 中,位置固定为 Anywhere,这是一个向后兼容的条件。

2.6. Command the Least At
2.6. 命令最少的

Current Player commands the least unit at location.
L - If that player has the fewest [ units ] at location [ location ].
L - 如果该玩家在位置 [ 位置 ] 的 [ 单位 ] 最少。

This condition is triggered when the player selected in the Player tab has the fewest units in any space.
当在 Player 选项卡中选择的播放器在任何空间中的单位最少时,将触发此条件。

This is a version that allows location designation in Command the Least. However, there is a condition that is not used well.
这是一个允许在 Command the Least 中指定位置的版本。但是,有一个条件没有得到很好的利用。

2.7. Command the Most
2.7. 指挥最

Current Player commands the most unit.
M - if that player has the most [ units ]
M - 如果该玩家拥有最多的 [ 单位 ]

This condition is triggered when the player selected in the Player tab has the most units.
当在 Player (玩家) 选项卡中选择的玩家拥有最多的单位时,将触发此条件。

Just looking at it, it's the opposite version of Command the Least. However, this is also difficult to see because it is common to use Highest Score in competitive use maps.
单看它,它是 Command the Least 的反面版本。但是,这也很难看出,因为在竞争性使用地图中使用 Highest Score 是很常见的。

2.8. Command the Most At
2.8. 命令最多的 AT

Current Player commands the most unit at location.
M - If that player has the most [ units ] at location [ location ].
M - 如果该玩家在位置 [ location ] 拥有最多的 [ 单位 ]。

This condition is triggered when the player selected in the Player tab has the most units in a certain space.
当在 Player 选项卡中选择的播放器在特定空间中拥有最多的单位时,将触发此条件。

A version giving the location option in Command the Most where the location is fixed or equivalent to anywhere. However, there is no such thing as a good use.
在 Command the Most 中提供位置选项的版本,其中位置是固定的或等效于任何地方。然而,没有所谓的好用。

2.9. Countdown Timer 2.9. 倒数计时器

Countdown Timer is quantitymod quantitynum game seconds.
倒数计时器是 quantitymodquantitynum 游戏秒数。
T - When the countdown timer remains for [ time ]
T - 当倒数计时器保持 [ 时间 ] 时

This condition is activated when the timer located at the top of the game screen has a certain number of seconds remaining.

Not after a certain amount of time, but if it remains. Inevitably, Set Countdown Time is required as a preceding trigger. Usually, when the countdown timer reaches 0, it is often used for purposes such as when a specific event occurs or before it occurs, victory or defeat in a time-limited mission, or a few minutes before the time limit.
不是在一定时间之后,而是如果它仍然存在。不可避免地,需要 Set Countdown Time 作为前面的触发器。通常,当倒数计时器达到 0 时,通常用于特定事件发生时或发生之前、限时任务中的胜利或失败或时限前几分钟等目的。

For reference, this function can be replaced to some extent even under the condition of Elapsed Time, but if the countdown is triggered after a certain period of time, additional calculation is required. impossible.
作为参考,即使在 Elapsed Time 的情况下,也可以在一定程度上替换此功能,但如果在一段时间后触发倒计时,则需要额外计算。不可能的。

2.10. Deaths 2.10. 死亡

Player has suffered quantitymod quantitynum deaths of unit.
玩家遭受了 quantitymodquantitynum 单位的死亡。
N - When [ Player ] destroys [ How many ] [ Units ].
N - 当 [ 玩家 ] 销毁 [ 多少 ] [ 单位 ] 时。

This is a condition that is triggered when a certain number of units are killed or destroyed by a certain player. It doesn't matter who you kill, as long as it's not your own unit/building, and deaths caused by triggers are not included.[9] Usually, in historical maps such as mission maps or the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, specific characters or things that must be protected in survival maps are often used as conditions for losing the game when you die.

As you can see from the Set Deaths section in the execution section below, the number of Deaths for each unit can be freely manipulated regardless of whether the unit is actually dead , so the number of Deaths for units that are not used in the map or cannot be destroyed is variable. It's perfect for use. If you study programming, you will know that there are many cases where you need to remember certain values during the execution process, but Star1 Map Trigger does not provide this function.[10] Replaced with a death count. For example, assuming that there is a special shop in the use map that can be visited only 10 times during the game, if you increase the death count of unit A by one each time you visit, you will be prevented from visiting there if the death count is 10. It is used in a do-it-yourself manner. This is just one example, but the actual ways of using it are endless.
从下面执行部分的 Set Deaths 部分可以看出,每个单位的死亡次数都可以自由操纵,无论该单位是否真的死亡,因此地图中未使用的单位或无法摧毁的单位的死亡次数是可变的。它非常适合使用。如果你学过编程,就会知道在执行过程中有很多情况需要记住某些值,但是 Star1 Map Trigger 不提供这个功能。[10]替换为死亡人数。例如,假设使用地图中有一家特殊商店,在游戏中只能访问10次,如果每次访问单位A的死亡人数增加1,则如果死亡人数为10,您将无法访问该商店。它以自己动手的方式使用。这只是一个例子,但实际的使用方式是无穷无尽的。

It is also widely used as a replacement for wait triggers with a twist. If you use the so-called 'turbo trigger' technique, which reduces the execution delay of the trigger by doubling the 0 second wait, the wait trigger does not work properly. For example, if a wait trigger is put in to wait for 10 seconds while the turbo trigger is applied, the trigger is twisted instead of being triggered after 10 seconds. You can use the death count instead of the wait trigger. When the turbo trigger is activated, the death count increases by 15 per second, so 15 death counts are converted and applied. In the case of the above example, if 150 death counts are accumulated, a delay of 10 seconds can be applied without trigger twist.
它还被广泛用作 wait 触发器的替代品。如果使用所谓的 'turbo trigger' 技术,该技术通过将 0 秒等待加倍来减少触发器的执行延迟,则等待触发器无法正常工作。例如,如果在应用 turbo 触发器时放置等待触发器等待 10 秒,则触发器将扭曲,而不是在 10 秒后触发。您可以使用 death count 而不是 wait 触发器。当 turbo 触发器被激活时,死亡人数每秒增加 15 人,因此 15 次死亡人数被转换并应用。在上面的例子中,如果累积了 150 个死亡计数,则可以在不扣动扳机的情况下应用 10 秒的延迟。

Units that are mainly used as death counts are those that are not destroyed during the game. Examples include various crystals, gas cylinders, Kaydarin crystals, flags, and signals. These units are impossible for the player to attack and destroy during the game, but the death count can be raised or lowered, so this is possible. As mentioned above, killing these units with triggers does not raise the death count, so you can kill any number of triggers.
主要用作死亡计数的单位是指在游戏中未被摧毁的单位。示例包括各种晶体、气瓶、Kaydarin 晶体、旗帜和信号。玩家在游戏中无法攻击和摧毁这些单位,但死亡人数可以提高或降低,因此这是可能的。如上所述,用触发器杀死这些单位不会增加死亡数量,因此您可以杀死任意数量的触发器。

And it is the trigger that is the basis of conditional EUD . User inputs such as key input recognition and mouse clicks can be processed with this trigger. If you want to give it a try, see the EUD/learning documentation.
而正是触发器是 条件 EUD 的基础 .用户输入(如按键输入识别和鼠标单击)可以使用此触发器进行处理。如果您想试一试,请参阅 EUD/learning 文档。

2.11. Elapsed Time 2.11. 经过时间

Elapsed scenario time is quantitymod quantitynum game seconds.
经过的场景时间是 quantitymodquantitynum 游戏秒数。
T - When [ how many ] seconds have passed since the game started .
T - 自游戏开始以来已经过了 [ 多少 ] 秒 。

This is a condition that is activated when a certain amount of time has passed based on the game start time.

Since this is activated after a certain period of time, it is often used for conditions such as providing a reward for holding on for a certain period of time or strengthening the enemy. As with the countdown timer, calculations should be made taking into account that the Fastest usually played is multiplied by 1.6.
由于这是在一段时间后激活的,因此通常用于提供坚持一定时间的奖励或强化敌人等条件。与倒数计时器一样,在计算时应考虑到通常玩的 Fastest 乘以 1.6。

2.12. Highest Score 2.12. 最高分

Current player has highest score points.
M - If the player has the highest [ score ].
M - 如果玩家的 [ 分数 ] 最高。

This condition is triggered when the player selected in the Player tab has the highest score.
当在 Player (播放器) 选项卡中选择的玩家具有最高分数时,将触发此条件。

It is well used for giving preferential treatment and rewards to the first player, but other than that, it is practically useless.

Of the points, buildings are points for building a building, custom is a custom score, kills is a score for killing a unit, kills and razings is the sum of points for killing a unit and points for destroying a building, and razings is for destroying a building. score, units is the number of units produced[11] , units and buildings is the sum of the points for producing units and the points for constructing buildings.
在积分中,建筑物是建造建筑物的分数,custom 是自定义分数,kills 是杀死单位的分数,kills 和 razings 是杀死单位和摧毁建筑物的分数之和,razings 是摧毁建筑物的分数之和。分数,单位是生产的单位数 [11],单位和建筑物是生产单位的分数和建造建筑物的分数之和。

Among them, the Kill score can be used as a substitute to compensate for the serious problems of the Kill conditional below. See the score predicate for details.
其中,Kill 分数可以作为替代品来弥补下面 Kill 条件的严重问题。有关详细信息,请参阅 score 谓词。

2.13. Kill 2.13. 杀死

Player kills quantitymod quantitynum unit.
玩家杀死 quantitymodquantitynumunit。
K - When [ Player ] destroys [ How many ] [ Units ].
K - 当 [ 玩家 ] 摧毁 [ 多少 ] [ 单位 ] 时。

A condition that triggers when a certain player kills a certain number of units.

It is mainly used as a condition to give a reward when a specific or all units/buildings are defeated or to complete a mission. Conversely, by designating a unit that is only used as an ally, it can be used as a condition for giving a penalty to a player who team kills or losing.

However, it should be noted that the player of the unit concerned cannot be determined. Because of this, it applies even if you destroy enemy or neutral units as well as allied units.[12] Also, keep in mind that this condition is not a condition to catch the kill moment, but a condition to find out if you killed it during the game . If you use this condition for things like a reward system for killing, such as giving minerals every time you catch a unit, it will be a big deal. For example, 'When a unit is captured, 1 mineral is given.' If you write a trigger called, Mineral 1 will continue to rise until the end of the game even if you just catch 1 unit. This is because the player has satisfied the condition of killing one unit. In order to achieve the original purpose of giving minerals every time you catch a unit, you must use a kill score or most kill.
但是,需要注意的是,无法确定相关单位的玩家。因此,即使您摧毁敌方或中立单位以及友方单位,它也会适用。[12]另外,请记住,此条件不是捕捉杀戮时刻的条件,而是查明您是否在游戏中杀死了它的条件。如果你把这个条件用于杀戮的奖励系统之类的事情,比如每次抓到一个单位时都给予矿物,那将是一件大事。例如,“当捕获一个单位时,会获得 1 种矿物”。如果您编写一个名为 Mineral 1 的触发器,即使您只捕获了 1 个单位,Mineral 1 也会继续上升直到游戏结束。这是因为玩家已经满足了杀死一个单位的条件。为了达到每次捕捉单位时给予矿物的初衷,必须使用 kill 分数或 most kill。

This condition was created to be used as a victory condition or defeat condition, and in campaigns, such a mechanism is more useful and is often used, but in most use maps, the act of capturing is often desired only at the moment the act occurs, so it is not very useful due to a problem in the mechanism. It is one of the unfortunate conditions that could have been used usefully if it only had the function of determining the player of the target unit to kill.

2.14. Least Kills 2.14. 最少杀戮

Current Player has least kills of unit.
L - if that player has destroyed the fewest [ units ].
L - 如果该玩家摧毁了最少的 [ 单位 ]。

2.15. Least Resources 2.15. 最少的资源

Current Player has least resource.
L - If that player has the lowest [ Resources ].
L - 如果该玩家的 [ Resources ] 最低。

2.16. Lowest Score 2.16. 最低分

Current player has lowest score points.
L - If the player has the lowest [ score ].
L - 如果玩家的 [ 分数 ] 最低。

2.17. Memory 2.17. 内存

Memory at Death Table +-1 is quantitymod quantitynum
死亡表时的内存 +-1 是 quantitymodquantitynum

This function is only provided in unofficial version or higher of Scmdraft 2 , and is a trigger that allows you to enter EUP (EUD) conditionals. In fact, even without this function, you can create EUD conditionals by entering UNITID:00 in the death conditional field, but EUP has the advantage of being easier to manage than EUD, so this trigger was created separately.
此功能仅在 Scmdraft 2 的非官方版本 或更高版本中提供,并且是允许您输入 EUP (EUD) 条件的触发器。其实即使没有这个功能,也可以通过在 death 条件字段中输入 UNITID:00 来创建 EUD 条件,但 EUP 的优点是比 EUD 更容易管理,所以这个触发器是单独创建的。

Each version has a different way of working, but one of the unofficial patched versions did not have a separate memory trigger and automatically converted certain death conditions to memory. Perhaps because of that trace, if you create a trigger with Current Player or Terran Marine, it automatically turns into a +13 Memory trigger, but in fact, it recognizes the current player and Terran Marine's death value normally, so you don't have to worry about automatically changing it to memory.
每个版本都有不同的工作方式,但其中一个非官方的补丁版本没有单独的内存触发器,并自动将某些死亡条件转换为内存。也许是因为那个痕迹,如果你用 Current Player 或 Terran Marine 创建一个触发器,它会自动变成 +13 Memory 触发器,但实际上,它会正常识别当前玩家和 Terran Marine 的死亡值,所以你不必担心自动将其更改为内存。

2.18. Most Kills 2.18. 最多杀戮

Current Player has most kills of unit.
M - if that player has destroyed the most [ units ].
M - 如果该玩家摧毁了最多的 [ 单位 ]。

It is rarely used and many people do not even know it exists, but it is often used as a technique called 'Most Kill'.
它很少使用,许多人甚至不知道它的存在,但它经常被用作一种称为“Most Kill”的技术。

StarCraft Trigger has a Kills conditional that recognizes the number of kills, but this conditional does not detect the moment of killing, but rather recognizes whether or not the unit was captured during the game. The problem is that the same behavior cannot be implemented. Recognition using Score and Set Score can recognize the moment of killing itself, but there is a problem that differentiated rewards cannot be paid and mass slaughter cannot be detected in maps with unique specifications for each unit.
StarCraft Trigger 有一个 Kills 条件,用于识别杀戮的数量,但这个条件不会检测杀戮的时刻,而是识别该单位是否在游戏中被捕获。问题是无法实现相同的行为。使用 Score 和 Set Score 进行识别可以识别杀戮本身的时刻,但存在一个问题,即无法支付差异化奖励,并且无法在每个单位具有独特规格的地图中检测到大规模屠杀。

However, when using the Most Kills conditional, the calculation is a bit slow and some elements must be sacrificed, but it is sometimes used because it allows for very accurate recognition.
但是,当使用 Most Kills 条件时,计算速度有点慢,并且必须牺牲一些元素,但有时会使用它,因为它允许非常准确的识别。

2.19. Most Resources 2.19. 大多数资源

Current Player has most resource.
M - If that player has gathered the most [ Resource ].
M - 如果该玩家收集的 [ 资源 ] 最多。

Usually, when you see this trigger, you think of it as a competition to create a map where you can gather a lot of resources, but it is also used in a way where the player who gets the most points wins by setting the amount of resources obtained through kills, etc. instead of a leaderboard within a limited time. However, since it is more efficient to use that trigger than a similar trigger, it is not a trigger that is often used.

2.20. Never 2.20. 从不

A - Do not run.
A - 不要运行。

This is a condition that does not activate the action no matter what.

This is the opposite condition to Always. In other words, if this condition is included, no matter what triggers are in the action tab or what other conditions are included, they will not be executed. At first glance, it seems completely useless, but it is used occasionally. Just for debugging. If a number of complex triggers are configured, but they are not properly linked and a bug occurs in one part, you can test this in the form of skipping that part by putting this Never on the suspicious set. If you skip it and the bug doesn't occur, then the bug occurs in that set. In simple terms , it is a condition that replaces annotation processing in coding . Because of this characteristic, it is hard to see in the finished map and is only used occasionally during production. Even so, you just have to click ☒ in the condition list and change it to □, so there is nothing to see unless there are too many conditions that are too cumbersome to click one by one.
这是与 Always 相反的条件。换句话说,如果包含此条件,则无论 action 选项卡中包含哪些触发器或包含哪些其他条件,都不会执行这些条件。乍一看,它似乎完全没用,但偶尔会用。仅用于调试。如果配置了许多复杂触发器,但它们没有正确链接,并且一个部分发生了错误,则可以通过将此 Never 放在可疑集上,以跳过该部分的形式进行测试。如果跳过它并且 bug 没有发生,则 bug 会发生在该集中。简单来说 ,它是替换编码中注释处理的条件。由于这一特性,在完成的地图中很难看到它,仅在生产过程中偶尔使用。即便如此,你只需要在条件列表中点击☒并将其更改为 □,所以除非有太多条件太麻烦而无法一一点击,否则没有什么可看的。

It is not uncommon to see it on StarCraft campaign mission maps, but if you try to insert a hero and the hero dies in the mission, you can see it in the conditions tab of the trigger that makes the game lose.[13]

2.21. Opponents 2.21. 对手

Player has quantitymod quantitynum opponents remaining in the game.
玩家在游戏中还剩下 quantitymodquantitynum 个对手。
N - When there are [ how many ] players who are hostile to [ player ].
N - 当有 [ 多少 ] 玩家对 [ 玩家 ] 怀有敌意时。

It is mainly used in maps where units are continuously generated. A commonly used trigger that causes defeat when a certain number of computer units are exceeded.

2.22. Score 2.22. 分数

Player points score is quantitynum.
Playerpoints 分数是 quantitynum。
N - If [ Player ] gets [ How many ] points .
N - 如果 [ 玩家 ] 获得 [ 多少 ] 分。

A conditional that can handle the player's score. It is usually used to replace the problem of the above Kill conditional by using the kill score.
可以处理玩家分数的条件。通常用于用 kill score 来代替上述 Kill 条件的问题。

All units and buildings increase their score when they are produced or killed. The score of a unit or building cannot be modified with a general editor, and the unit's structural offset must be modified with the EUD editor. The score is set to '(Mineral x 2) + (Gas x 4)' based on the unit cost. For example, if you catch 1 Zergling, you will increase 25 x 2 = 50 points , and if you catch 1 Mutalisk, you will increase (100 x 2) + (100 x 4) = 600 points . You can refer to the score in the StarCraft/Points document. In the case of production score, even those created by triggers are counted as points. To be exact, in the case of normal units and normal buildings that can be directly produced by default, not only those created by triggers, but also those that are simply placed on the map are all included in the score. However, hero units that cannot be directly produced by default[14] , special buildings, Broodlings, Spider Mines, Infested Command Centers, etc. are not included in the score when created as a trigger. In other words, even if you draw a hero unit for 100 days, it is just a waste of points.
所有单位和建筑物在产生或杀死时都会增加他们的分数。单元或建筑物的分数不能使用常规编辑器修改,并且必须使用 EUD 编辑器修改单元的结构偏移。根据单位成本,分数设置为“(矿物 x 2)+ (气体 x 4)”。例如,如果你钓到 1 只虫族,你将增加 25 x 2 = 50 分,如果你钓到 1 只 Mutalisk,你将增加 (100 x 2) + (100 x 4) = 600 分。您可以在 StarCraft/Points 文档中参考分数。对于生产分数,即使是由触发器创建的分数也被计为分数。确切地说,在默认可以直接生成的普通单位和普通建筑的情况下,不仅那些由触发器创建的,还有那些简单放置在地图上的,都包含在分数中。然而,默认情况下无法直接生成的英雄单位 [14] 、特殊建筑、育雏鸟、蜘蛛地雷、Infested 指挥中心等在作为触发器创建时不包括在分数中。换句话说,即使你抽到一个英雄单位 100 天,也只是浪费积分。

Using this score, you can create a system that rewards you every time you catch a unit, even in star 1. For example, if you set a trigger that says 'If the kill score is 100 or more, give 10 minerals and reduce the kill score by 100', 10 minerals will come in for every 100. So, if you kill 2 Zerglings, you get 10 minerals, a Mutalisk, 60 minerals, and so on.
使用此分数,您可以创建一个系统,每次捕获一个单位时都会奖励您,即使是在 1 星中也是如此。例如,如果您设置了一个触发器,上面写着“如果击杀分数为 100 或更高,则提供 10 种矿物并将击杀分数降低 100”,则每 100 种矿物将产生 10 种矿物。所以,如果你杀死了 2 个 Zerglings,你会得到 10 个矿物、一个 Mutalisk、60 个矿物,依此类推。

At first glance, it seems irrelevant, but there is a fatal flaw in this system. It doesn't matter if you haven't modified the unit's ability or if you've modified it enough to maintain the basic balance, but otherwise it's not uniform. To put it simply, since it's a use map, let's say you set the Zergling as a very powerful unit and the Mutalisk as a much weaker unit. Even so, the kill score of the unit does not change, so if you put a reward system based on the kill score here, there will be a problem that the mob gives a bigger reward.

Also, this system has the disadvantage of being able to give exactly in proportion to the unit's value, but not according to the number of kills. In order to create a system that gives 1 mineral for each kill, if there is even 1 kill score, 1 mineral is given and the kill score is set to 0. In this case, there is a problem that multiple kills at once are not reflected at all. If the number of mobs that the player can catch is limited, it is fine to chop them up in units and give them, but if not, you can't tell them apart. Simply put, if the player's killscore is 800, you can't tell by looking at this whether the player caught 1 queen or dropped a nuke and caught 4 overlords at the same time.
此外,该系统的缺点是能够完全按照单位的价值比例给予,但不能根据击杀数给予。为了创建一个每次击杀都提供 1 种矿物的系统,如果甚至有 1 种击杀分数,则给予 1 种矿物,击杀分数设置为 0。在这种情况下,存在一个问题,即一次多次杀戮根本没有反映出来。如果玩家可以捕捉的生物数量有限,可以将它们分成几个单位并给予它们,但如果不是,你就无法区分它们。简单地说,如果玩家的击杀分数是 800,你无法通过查看这个来判断玩家是抓住了 1 个 Queen 还是同时扔下了一颗核弹并抓住了 4 个 overlord。

2.23. Switch 2.23. 开关

'switchname' is switchstatus.
'switchname' 是 switchstatus。
S - [ Switch State ]
S - [ 开关状态]

[1] When there is a shop system, it is used together with Bring.
[1] 当有商店系统时,它与 Bring 一起使用。
[2] Newly added in patch 1.04 .
[2] 在 1.04 补丁中新增。
[3] means mineral . Mineral comes out as a synonym, Ore, when writing triggers that might be too long.
[3] 是指矿物。Mineral 作为同义词 Ore 出现,当编写可能太长的触发器时。
[4] In other words, since it is always activated, it is meaningless if it is in the condition window with other conditions.
[4] 换句话说,由于它始终处于激活状态,因此如果它与其他条件一起位于条件窗口中,则毫无意义。
[5] Zerg hatcheries , rares , and hives are also included.
[5] 虫族孵化场 、 稀有 和 蜂箱 也包括在内。
[6] In the first mission of Episode 2 , Dagoth advised, "Do not mutate even the last remaining drone into a building." In the seventh mission, 'Culling', you are not defeated even if you consume all the drones. Looking at this, it is Blizzard 's mistake.
[6]在第 2 集的第一个任务中,达戈斯建议道:“即使是最后剩下的无人机,也不要将它变异到建筑物中。在第七个任务“Culling”中,即使你吃掉了所有的无人机,你也不会被打败。看这个,就是暴雪的失误。
[7] This is the trigger used when playing in normal melee mode.
[8] However, in case of installation terrain, it is set to men instead of buildings. Same goes for Non Allied Victory Players commands at most 0 buildings.
[8]但是,在安装地形的情况下,它被设置为人而不是建筑物。非盟军胜利玩家命令最多 0 个建筑也是如此。
[9] For reference, the trigger is applied even if both the killing target and the dying target are the same player.
[10] Although there is a switch, it can only be used as a boolean variable in terms of 0 and 1, that is, programming variables.
[10] 虽然有开关,但只能作为 0 和 1 的布尔变量使用,即编程变量。
[11] Siege mode is an exception, but the score goes down. It's not exactly going down, but it's like returning the points you got when you produced the tank. If you actually switch modes, you can see that the score goes up when it's a tank and goes down when it's a siege. Of course, if you die while in Siege, the points you returned will not be refunded. In a way, it is the only unit within the star that can give a negative score.
[11]围攻模式是一个例外,但分数下降了。这并不完全是下降,但就像归还你生产坦克时获得的积分。如果你真的切换模式,你可以看到当它是坦克时分数上升,当它是围攻时分数下降。当然,如果您在 Siege 中死亡,您退还的积分将不予退还。在某种程度上,它是星星中唯一可以给出负分的单位。
[12] Own units do not apply.
[12] 自有商品不适用。
[13] For example, in Omega, the final mission of Brood War Zerg, you can find it in the trigger that ends in defeat when Kerrigan dies.
[13]例如,在 Brood War Zerg 的最终任务 Omega 中,您可以在 Kerrigan 死亡时以失败告终的触发器中找到它。
[14] Dark Heroes, including Civilians
[14] 黑暗英雄,包括平民
