tools | ||
etc |
zero | Player accumulates quantitymod quantitynum resource 玩家累积 quantitymodquantitynumresource |
one | N - When [ Player ] has collected [ How many ] of [ Resources ] . N - 当 [ 玩家 ] 收集了 [ 多少 ] 的 [ 资源 ] 时。 |
zero | Always |
one | A - unconditional A - 无条件 |
zero | Player brings quantitymod quantitynum 'location'. Player 带来 'location'。 |
one | C - If [ Player ] has [ How many ] [ Units ] at [ Location ]. C - 如果 [ 玩家 ] 在 [ 位置 ] 有 [ 多少 ] [ 单位 ] 。 |
zero | Player commands quantitymod quantitynum unit. 玩家命令 quantitymodquantitynumunit。 |
one | C - When [ Player ] has [ How many ] of [ Units ] . C - 当 [ 玩家 ] 有 [ 多少 ] 的 [ 单位 ] 时。 |
zero | Current Player commands the least unit. 当前玩家命令的单位最少。 |
one | L - if that player has the fewest [ units ] L - 如果该玩家的 [ 单位 ] 最少 |
zero | Current Player commands the least unit at location. 当前玩家在位置上指挥的单位最少。 |
one | L - If that player has the fewest [ units ] at location [ location ]. L - 如果该玩家在位置 [ 位置 ] 的 [ 单位 ] 最少。 |
zero | Current Player commands the most unit. 当前玩家指挥的单位最多。 |
one | M - if that player has the most [ units ] M - 如果该玩家拥有最多的 [ 单位 ] |
zero | Current Player commands the most unit at location. 当前玩家在位置上指挥最多的单位。 |
one | M - If that player has the most [ units ] at location [ location ]. M - 如果该玩家在位置 [ location ] 拥有最多的 [ 单位 ]。 |
zero | Countdown Timer is quantitymod quantitynum game seconds. 倒数计时器是 quantitymodquantitynum 游戏秒数。 |
one | T - When the countdown timer remains for [ time ] T - 当倒数计时器保持 [ 时间 ] 时 |
zero | Player has suffered quantitymod quantitynum deaths of unit. 玩家遭受了 quantitymodquantitynum 单位的死亡。 |
one | N - When [ Player ] destroys [ How many ] [ Units ]. N - 当 [ 玩家 ] 销毁 [ 多少 ] [ 单位 ] 时。 |
zero | Elapsed scenario time is quantitymod quantitynum game seconds. 经过的场景时间是 quantitymodquantitynum 游戏秒数。 |
one | T - When [ how many ] seconds have passed since the game started . T - 自游戏开始以来已经过了 [ 多少 ] 秒 。 |
zero | Current player has highest score points. 当前玩家的得分最高。 |
one | M - If the player has the highest [ score ]. M - 如果玩家的 [ 分数 ] 最高。 |
zero | Player kills quantitymod quantitynum unit. 玩家杀死 quantitymodquantitynumunit。 |
one | K - When [ Player ] destroys [ How many ] [ Units ]. K - 当 [ 玩家 ] 摧毁 [ 多少 ] [ 单位 ] 时。 |
zero | Current Player has least kills of unit. 当前玩家的单位击杀次数最少。 |
one | L - if that player has destroyed the fewest [ units ]. L - 如果该玩家摧毁了最少的 [ 单位 ]。 |
zero | Current Player has least resource. 当前玩家的资源最少。 |
one | L - If that player has the lowest [ Resources ]. L - 如果该玩家的 [ Resources ] 最低。 |
zero | Current player has lowest score points. 当前玩家的得分最低。 |
one | L - If the player has the lowest [ score ]. L - 如果玩家的 [ 分数 ] 最低。 |
zero | Memory at Death Table +-1 is quantitymod quantitynum 死亡表时的内存 +-1 是 quantitymodquantitynum |
zero | Current Player has most kills of unit. 当前玩家的单位击杀数最多。 |
one | M - if that player has destroyed the most [ units ]. M - 如果该玩家摧毁了最多的 [ 单位 ]。 |
zero | Current Player has most resource. 当前玩家拥有最多的资源。 |
one | M - If that player has gathered the most [ Resource ]. M - 如果该玩家收集的 [ 资源 ] 最多。 |
zero | Never |
one | A - Do not run. A - 不要运行。 |
zero | Player has quantitymod quantitynum opponents remaining in the game. 玩家在游戏中还剩下 quantitymodquantitynum 个对手。 |
one | N - When there are [ how many ] players who are hostile to [ player ]. N - 当有 [ 多少 ] 玩家对 [ 玩家 ] 怀有敌意时。 |
zero | Player points score is quantitynum. Playerpoints 分数是 quantitynum。 |
one | N - If [ Player ] gets [ How many ] points . N - 如果 [ 玩家 ] 获得 [ 多少 ] 分。 |
zero | 'switchname' is switchstatus. 'switchname' 是 switchstatus。 |
one | S - [ Switch State ] S - [ 开关状态] |