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 related document:StarCraft/Trigger
相关文件: StarCraft/Trigger
Starcraft Trigger related documentation
Conditions / Execution ( Artificial Intelligence )
条件 / 执行 ( 人工智能 )
Unit · Weapon · Location · Enhancement
单位 ·武器 ·位置 ·增强
EUD Editor · TrigEditPlus
EUD 编辑器 ·TrigEditPlus
Unlimiter · epScript · Learn
无限者 ·epScript ·学习
1. outline 1. 大纲2. Principle and application
2. 原理和应用
3. problem 3. 问题4. partial resurrection 4. 部分复活5. access barrier 5. 进入屏障6. offset collection 6. 偏移收集7. List of EUD maps
7. EUD 地图列表
8. Related tools 8. 相关工具
8.1. EUD Editor 8.1. EUD 编辑器
8.1.1. program features 8.1.1. 程序功能8.1.2. How to use
8.1.2. 如何使用
8.1.3. caution 8.1.3. 注意
9. related document 9. 相关文件

1. outline 1. 大纲

Extended Unit Death 扩展单位死亡

It is one of StarCraft 's use map production technologies. It is a trigger that uses arbitrary code execution technology to modify the memory inside the process during runtime by exploiting the security vulnerability of the trigger provided by the StarCraft editor . 2005 It was first discovered in July . #
它是《星际争霸》使用地图制作技术之一。它是一个触发器,利用星际争霸编辑器提供的触发器的安全漏洞,在运行时利用任意代码执行技术修改进程内部的内存。2005 年 7 月首次被发现。#

Since most of the memory is accessed as desired without restrictions, operations that are impossible with existing editors can be implemented, such as arbitrarily changing weapons or types, granting or removing shields to units without shields ( protoss shields ), or changing properties. can do. A trigger that literally created a huge storm and revolution in the world of StarCraft map making .
由于大部分内存可以不受限制地根据需要访问,因此可以实现现有编辑器无法实现的操作,例如任意更改武器或类型、为没有盾牌的单位授予或移除盾牌( protoss shields ),或更改属性。可以做到。一个触发器,它确实在星际争霸地图制作世界中掀起了一场巨大的风暴和革命。

After being loved in StarCraft's use map for 12 years , it almost disappeared completely due to patch 1.18 released on March 26, 2017, but Blizzard created an EUD emulator and officially allowed some EUD trigger actions. It can be used again starting from version 1.21 . However, in order to prevent system abuse such as malware distribution, some functions such as overwriting unit/building graphics and modifying the exe area are not allowed. Perhaps due to limitations of the emulator , game saving, You cannot evaluate game scores or save replays. In addition, although it is meaningless due to the nature of the use map, even if you win the game on a map with EUD applied, only a defeat screen is displayed in the results window.
在星际争霸的使用地图中被宠爱了 12 年后,由于 2017 年 3 月 26 日发布的 1.18 补丁,它几乎完全消失了,但暴雪创建了 EUD 模拟器,并正式允许了一些 EUD 触发动作。从 version 1.21 开始可以再次使用。但是,为了防止恶意软件分发等系统滥用,不允许使用某些功能,例如覆盖单元/构建图形和修改 exe 区域。可能是由于模拟器的限制,游戏保存,您无法评估游戏分数或保存重播。此外,虽然由于使用地图的性质而毫无意义,但即使您在应用了 EUD 的地图上赢得比赛,结果窗口中也只会显示失败屏幕。

2. Principle and application
2. 原理和应用

The principle is a buffer overflow that occurs as a trigger . In other words, you should be aware that an EUD is essentially a software flaw and a huge security vulnerability .
原理是作为 trigger 发生的缓冲区溢出。换句话说,您应该意识到 EUD 本质上是一个 软件缺陷和巨大的安全漏洞 .

The root of the problem is one of the Action triggers provided by the map editor: Set Deaths.[1] , which was a very ordinary function that could arbitrarily set a count variable for how many units a given player lost. However, there is one big problem here: there is no routine to verify that the range of values passed as parameters of this trigger is normal. For example, even if a map developer puts in something that cannot be used in normal game play, such as "Set the number of deaths of unit 7890 owned by player 123456 to 12345678," it will not be filtered out and will work as is.
问题的根源是地图编辑器提供的 Action 触发器之一:Set Deaths。[1] ,这是一个非常普通的函数,可以任意设置给定玩家损失的单位数的计数变量。但是,这里有一个大问题:没有例程来验证作为此触发器的参数传递的值范围是否正常。例如,即使地图开发者输入了在正常游戏中无法使用的内容,例如“将玩家123456拥有的 7890 单位的死亡人数设置为 12345678”,它也不会被过滤掉,而是按原样工作。

So, it was revealed that the Set Deaths trigger, which would originally operate only within the limited player table (0 to 11) and unit ID table (0 to 227), could manipulate most of the memory information of the StarCraft process outside its scope. An attempt was made to change the internal variables of more diverse games in real time during the game beyond the limits of fixed triggers, and this is EUD. It is a technique that touches memory by extending the trigger that sets the number of unit deaths, so it is called 'EUD', a technique that extends unit death . In particular, the Set Deaths trigger was more popular because it is a trigger that simply changes the value of memory at a certain location and has a very intuitive action.
因此,揭示了 Set Deaths 触发器,它最初仅在有限的玩家表(0 到 11)和单位 ID 表(0 到 227)中运行,可以操纵其范围之外的星际争霸进程的大部分内存信息。尝试在游戏过程中实时更改更多不同游戏的内部变量,超越固定触发器的限制,这就是 EUD。这是一种通过扩展设置单位死亡次数的触发器来触及记忆的技术,因此称为“EUD”,一种扩展 unitdeath 的技术。特别是,Set Deaths 触发器更受欢迎,因为它是一个触发器,它只是改变某个位置的内存值,并且具有非常直观的操作。

Some of the star's internal settings can't be changed, but there are far fewer that can't be changed. Upgrades can be driven in one building, marines can use Yamato as their basic weapon, other unit motions can be attached to ground-air movement motions, zerglings can be overlapped, splash damage can be prevented from allies,[2] , shielding Zerg/Terran units, healing mechanic units with Medic Heal, etc.[3] All unit attributes, attack methods, and range[4] , unit type, attack weapon, movement speed, attack speed[5] , eyesight[6] You can change the back to your liking. Beyond changing weapons or armor, you can find the internal structure and change the current health or mana amount in real time, or manipulate various variables that existing map editors do not provide, such as changing weapons.
星形的一些内部设置无法更改,但无法更改的内部设置要少得多。升级可以在一栋建筑中驱动,海军陆战队可以使用大和作为基本武器,其他单位的动作可以附加到地空移动动作上,虫族可以重叠,可以防止盟友的溅射伤害,[2],护盾虫族/人族单位,用医生治疗治疗机制单位等。[3] 所有单位属性、攻击方法和范围 [4] , 单位类型、攻击武器、移动速度、攻击速度 [5] 、视力 [6] 你可以根据自己的喜好更改背部。除了更换武器或盔甲之外,您还可以找到内部结构并实时更改当前的生命值或法力值,或者操纵现有地图编辑器不提供的各种变量,例如更换武器。

If you go further and implement it well as a trigger, the graphics of the unit or map[7] , Resources such as sound can be modified, and videos can be played in the map using the same principle. It is also possible to get help or activate new functions and skills by pressing a specific key, and it is also possible to modify the AI script to create a more aggressive AI.
如果更进一步,把它作为一个触发器实现好,单位或地图的图形 [7] 、声音等资源都可以修改,视频也可以用同样的原理在地图中播放。也可以通过按特定键来获得帮助或激活新功能和技能,也可以修改 AI 脚本以创建更具侵略性的 AI。

Although it is not real, if it is the possibility of EUD, in theory, importing the graphics of the Command & Conquer Tiberian Dawn unit can be implemented to some extent. this?

“I want to re-download StarCraft 1”… Amazing evolution of Usemap (video)
“我想重新下载星际争霸 1”...Usemap 的惊人演变(视频)

EUD can be used with several other action triggers besides Set Deaths triggers, but the reason Set Deaths triggers are often used is because the defect was first discovered in Set Deaths triggers, but it is also the most efficient. It probably won't be replaced by another trigger. Similar things are EPD and EUP (Extended Unit Placement). ( #1 , #2 )
除了 Set Deaths 触发器之外,EUD 还可以与其他几个操作触发器一起使用,但经常使用 Set Deaths 触发器的原因是该缺陷最初是在 Set Deaths 触发器中发现的,但它也是最有效的。它可能不会被另一个触发器替换。类似的是 EPD 和 EUP(扩展单元放置)。( #1 , #2 )

It is possible to modify an exe with a mod tool, such as Firegraft, but only up to 1.15, and from 1.16 onwards, it is not possible to use EUD or mod tools.
可以使用 mod 工具(例如 Firegraft)修改 exe,但仅限于 1.15 之前,并且从 1.16 开始,无法使用 EUD 或 mod 工具。

3. problem 3. 问题

As mentioned above, because EUD can manipulate powerful memory, it can be exploited to forcibly change channels or open the Internet after a game is over, as well as rumors that it can plant viruses in users' computers. Some of the fishing maps used EUD, and the game menu could be changed, so the contents of the buttons could be changed, and the buttons themselves could be deactivated, so I had to force quit StarCraft to stop me from leaving the game.[8]
如上所述,由于 EUD 可以操纵强大的内存,因此可以利用它在游戏结束后强行更换频道或打开互联网,以及有传言称它可以在用户的计算机中植入病毒。一些钓鱼地图使用了 EUD,并且可以更改游戏菜单,因此可以更改按钮的内容,并且可以停用按钮本身,因此我不得不强制退出星际争霸以阻止我离开游戏。[8]

Since the discovery in July 2005, as the method of triggering memory manipulation has developed rapidly, Blizzard has released a 1.13b patch on August 12, 2005 for security reasons.[9] Since the action EUD trigger is sealed, if you run the EUD map without a tool that opens the EUD, such as wLauncher , until 1.16.1, it will not be applied or bounced. There is no problem if it is used only conditionally to read the death value in the trigger environment divided into conditions/actions. Using this, key recognition and click recognition can be performed without a launcher. What the launcher needs is the action part.
自 2005 年 7 月被发现以来,随着触发内存操纵的方法迅速发展,出于安全考虑,暴雪于 2005 年 8 月 12 日发布了 1.13b 补丁。[9] 由于操作 EUD 触发器是密封的,如果您在没有打开 EUD 的工具(如 wLauncher)的情况下运行 EUD 映射,直到 1.16.1,它不会被应用或反弹。如果它仅有条件地用于读取 Trigger 环境中划分为 conditions/actions 的 death 值,则没有问题。使用此功能,可以在没有启动器的情况下执行按键识别和点击识别。启动器需要的是动作部分。

At the time, map makers complained, but Blizzard had no choice. Hackers abused EUD to perform operations that deviated from the range limited by the manufacturer, planting and distributing malicious code in the map, or turning user computers into zombie PCs. There was a risk that it could be created, and if left unattended, the entire could become a land of malicious code. Whatever the intent, the operation of the EUD trigger is pure game hacking, essentially not very different from that of malware. Who wouldn't mind putting their hands on putting the entirety of in grave danger just because they want to make the map a little more flashy?
当时,地图制作者抱怨,但暴雪别无选择。黑客滥用 EUD 执行偏离制造商限制范围的操作,在地图中植入和分发恶意代码,或将用户计算机变成僵尸 PC。存在创建恶意代码的风险,如果不加以注意,整个 可能会成为恶意代码的土地。无论意图如何,EUD 触发器的操作都是纯粹的游戏黑客攻击,与恶意软件的操作本质上没有太大区别。谁不介意仅仅因为他们想让地图更华丽一点,就把整个 置于严重的危险之中呢?

Even in 2015, a use map that shuts down the computer appeared. It is implemented by inserting an arbitrary executable file into the map, and it has been proven that viruses can be easily planted in map files, and if someone plants a virus in the map and distributes it to, it is virtually impossible to control it. There is a possibility that the entire Battlenet will become a mass of tumors spraying viruses. Although this flaw has already been patched by wLauncher, this is not an official patch, but a turnaround through wLauncher, and it was patched because it was well known, and no one knows where and how many vulnerabilities exist.
即使在 2015 年,也出现了关闭计算机的使用地图。它是通过在地图中插入任意可执行文件来实现的,并且已经证明病毒可以很容易地在地图文件中植入,如果有人在地图中植入病毒并将其分发给,几乎不可能控制它。有可能整个战网会变成一团喷洒病毒的肿瘤。虽然这个漏洞已经被 wLauncher 修补了,但这并不是官方的补丁,而是通过 wLauncher 的转机,之所以修补是因为众所周知,没有人知道哪里存在多少漏洞。

The reason why there has been no damage caused by EUD so far is largely because map makers did not attempt to exploit EUD because they did not know the nature of EUD, and also because domestic pioneers at the time intentionally hid information that it could be abused.[10] And Korea is the only country overseas that is willing to go this far in using something they have no interest in just because it is already blocked. If it had been used overseas, use maps such as StarCraft vs C&C or StarCraft use maps where you can control C&C units would have been released, but modding was done through draft, and no one would have paid attention to EUD due to security issues.
到目前为止,EUD 没有造成损害的原因主要是因为地图制作者没有试图利用 EUD,因为他们不知道 EUD 的性质,也因为当时国内的先驱者故意隐藏了它可能被滥用的信息。[10]韩国是唯一一个愿意走这么远,仅仅因为已经被封锁而使用他们不感兴趣的东西的国家。如果它在海外使用,使用诸如星际争霸 vs C&C 或星际争霸使用地图可以控制 C&C 单位的地图就会发布,但修改是通过草稿完成的,由于安全问题,没有人会关注 EUD。

As it is a technology that manipulates memory, the altered data remains the same even after the game is over, but after a few rounds, this accumulation accumulates and causes crashes. So, in the case of wLauncher, the data is returned to its original state every time you play a game.
由于它是一种操纵内存的技术,因此即使在游戏结束后,更改后的数据也保持不变,但经过几轮后,这种积累会累积并导致崩溃。因此,对于 wLauncher,每次玩游戏时,数据都会返回到其原始状态。

In version 1.17, all base offsets of StarCraft were changed, and because of this, research materials that were tailored to 1.16.1 became useless for versions after 1.17, so there was controversy. See the paragraph below for the rest. This is not a problem only for EUD maps, and the 1.17 patch was discontinued with the release of patch 1.18 .
在 1.17 版本中,星际争霸的所有基础偏移量都发生了变化,因此,为 1.16.1 量身定制的研究材料在 1.17 之后的版本中变得毫无用处,因此存在争议。其余部分见下面的段落。这不仅仅是 EUD 地图的问题,1.17 补丁已随着补丁 1.18 的发布而停止使用。

4. partial resurrection 4. 部分复活

Link: Inven Link: Cafe that provided feedback to Blizzard regarding EUD
链接:Inven 链接:向暴雪提供有关 EUD 的反馈的咖啡馆

Blizzard admitted that EUD trigger-applied use maps are designed to allow players to play more fun and new, and to support EUD on their own, the production team said that they had built and analyzed a database of numerous use maps that had been released so far.
暴雪承认,EUD 触发器应用使用地图旨在让玩家玩得更有趣和新鲜,并自行支持 EUD,制作团队表示,他们已经构建并分析了一个包含迄今为止发布的众多使用地图的数据库。

EUD - we do not intend to rebuild maps. Rather, we basically have an EUD emulator to emulate hundreds of the offsets. That's why some EUD maps will be supported as we move forward, and not all.[11]
EUD - 我们不打算重建地图。相反,我们基本上有一个 EUD 仿真器来模拟数百个偏移量。这就是为什么在我们前进的过程中将支持一些 EUD 地图,而不是全部。[11]

(We don't recreate the maps. We have an EUD emulator that implements hundreds of offsets , so some, but not all, EUD maps are supported.)
(我们不会重新创建地图。我们有一个 EUD 模拟器,它实现了数百个 offsets ,因此支持一些(但不是全部)EUD 映射。
There were rumors that Blizzard would re-release some of the EUD-applied use maps, but this turned out to be untrue, and it was updated by applying it to the 1.21 patch ( # ) for the first time. Now, you can enjoy various EUD use maps that you enjoyed with the version 1.16.1 or earlier without much effort. However, EUD storage and replay are not possible, and parts such as GRP and iscript changes are excluded because they are considered negative by Blizzard. Currently, maps using GRP cannot be played at all, or they can be played, but the units are seen as intact star units. Also, you can no longer change the game menu, so you can exit the fishing map where you cannot exit once you enter!
有传言称暴雪将重新发布一些应用 EUD 的使用地图,但事实证明这是不真实的,并且首次将其应用于 1.21 补丁 ( # ) 进行了更新。现在,您可以毫不费力地享受您在 1.16.1 或更早版本中喜欢的各种 EUD 使用地图。但是,EUD 存储和重放是不可能的,并且 GRP 和 iscript 更改等部分被排除在外,因为它们被暴雪视为负面的。目前,使用 GRP 的地图根本无法播放,或者可以播放,但这些单位被视为完整的星星单位。此外,您无法再更改游戏菜单,因此您可以退出一旦进入就无法退出的钓鱼地图!

The method that usermap enthusiasts would most like is to upgrade the map editor of StarCraft and include what EUD can do in the base map editor, and I mentioned that I will look into that method, and if the existing map editor is improved to the level of the original world editor of Warcraft 3 or Stardraft , or if the source code is opened like some classic games like Doom (more precisely, the Doom engine ), then there will be no need for an EUD with less features. However, it has been a while since the remaster came out and there is no news about enhancing the map editor.[12][13]
用户地图爱好者最想要的方法是升级星际争霸的地图编辑器,并在底图编辑器中包含 EUD 可以做的事情,我提到我会研究这种方法,如果现有的地图编辑器提高到魔兽争霸 3 或星草稿的原始世界编辑器的水平, 或者,如果源代码像 Doom 等经典游戏一样打开(更准确地说是 Doom 引擎),则不需要功能较少的 EUD。但是,重制版出来已经有一段时间了,还没有关于增强地图编辑器的消息。[12] [13]

It is said that K Launcher has changed the settings so that when running a GRP map while K Launcher is running, users who have run K Launcher can play maps with GRP in them. It is not possible to run grp maps as freely as before, and it is still only partially possible, but in fact, in the latest version 1.23 where GRP maps could not be run, K Launcher was used to successfully run the Ao Oni map with GRP in it.
据说 K Launcher 已经更改了设置,以便在 K Launcher 运行时运行 GRP 地图时,运行 K Launcher 的用户可以播放带有 GRP 的地图。不可能像以前那样自由地运行 grp 地图,而且仍然只有部分可能,但实际上,在无法运行 GRP 地图的最新版本 1.23 中,使用 K Launcher 成功运行了带有 GRP 的 Ao Oni 地图。

Although there are some positive responses, not all users are so enthusiastic about it, as mentioned above, because there is a high possibility that the risk of spreading malware by planting it on the map or turning the user's computer into a zombie PC will reoccur. Also, K Launcher has a poor reputation among users, and opinions are divided.
尽管有一些积极的回应,但并不是所有用户都对此如此热情,如上所述,因为通过在地图上植入恶意软件或将用户的计算机变成僵尸 PC 来传播恶意软件的风险很有可能再次发生。此外,K Launcher 在用户中的声誉不佳,意见不一。

5. access barrier 5. 进入屏障

EUD looks like math The barrier to access seems very high, like having to learn a function , but surprisingly it's not that difficult. From simple skills such as changing weapons and armor to almost mathematically complex structures that deal with implementing screen coordinates, trigonometric functions, and circular locations, most of them can be solved with only three variables: unit ID, player number, and number of times a unit has died. You can change it. First of all, it is important to collect materials and offsets . Offsets are central to EUD, so if you know offsets and know how to handle them, you can become an EUD map maker anytime.
EUD 看起来像数学 访问的门槛似乎很高,就像必须学习一个函数 ,但令人惊讶的是,它并没有那么难。从简单的技能(如更换武器和盔甲)到处理实现屏幕坐标、三角函数和圆形位置的几乎数学上复杂的结构,其中大多数都可以用三个变量来解决:单位 ID、玩家编号和单位死亡次数。您可以更改它。首先,收集材料和胶印很重要。偏移是 EUD 的核心,因此如果您了解偏移并知道如何处理它们,您可以随时成为 EUD 地图制作者。

If you want to learn more about EUD, see the /learning page.
如果您想了解有关 EUD 的更多信息,请参阅 /learning 页面。

6. offset collection 6. 偏移收集

  • See the /offsets documentation for basic offsets that can be easily handled by default .
    请参阅 /offsets 文档,了解默认情况下可以轻松处理的基本偏移量。
  • For more detailed and cumbersome advanced offsets, see /offset in depth documentation.
    有关更详细和繁琐的高级偏移量,请参阅 /offset in depth 文档。

7. List of EUD maps
7. EUD 地图列表

  • Arranged in alphabetical order by default .
    默认情况下按字母顺序排列 。
  • It's an EUD map, so don't just put 'EUD' in the title of the map because it's not there.
    这是一张 EUD 地图,所以不要因为它不存在就把“EUD”放在地图的标题里。
  • It was not originally an EUD map, but if you insert an EUD trigger while leaving the map title as it is while upgrading the version, it is recommended to write down which version the EUD was used from.
    它最初不是 EUD 映射,但如果在升级版本时插入 EUD 触发器,同时保持映射标题不变,则建议记下使用 EUD 的版本。
  • Maps that can be played with version 1.21 or later are marked with ☆.
    可以使用 1.21 或更高版本的地图标有 ☆。

Maps with only condition triggers

fishing map 钓鱼地图
  • EUD Overwatch EUD 守望先锋
    When you enter, the " Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra" flows out day and night, and you can't get out unless you forcefully quit the game.
  • EUD Watchdogs (Ghost Map)
    EUD 看门狗(幽灵地图)

8. Related tools 8. 相关工具

  • EUDTrig
  • eudasm 尤达斯姆
  • Python : There must be a library eudplib (formerly 'eudtrg'), and it is said that difficult tasks with eudasm can be easily done with python and eudplib ( The difference between eudasm and eudtrg ). Related tools built with these are Unlimiter and euddraft.
    Python :必须有一个库 eudplib(以前是 'eudtrg'),据说用 eudasm 的困难任务可以用 python 和 eudplib 轻松完成(eudasm 和 eudtrg 的区别)。使用这些构建的相关工具是 Unlimiter 和 euddraft。
  • euddraft: Driven by Trigger Wang, staff member of the Star Editor Academy ( how to use ), the first version was released on January 22, 2016. It can also be linked with the EUD Editor described below. It seems to be little known abroad.
    euddraft:由 Star Editor Academy 工作人员 Trigger Wang 推动(如何使用),第一版于 2016 年 1 月 22 日发布。它还可以与下面描述的 EUD 编辑器链接。它在国外似乎鲜为人知。
  • Trigger EPD Editor : This editor first appeared on January 1, 2018 in Korean time.
    触发器 EPD 编辑器 : 此编辑器首次出现在韩国时间 2018 年 1 月 1 日。
  • EUD Ops Calculator : It is a calculator that appeared a little later on the same day than the editor just above.
    EUD Ops 计算器 :这是一个计算器,在同一天出现的时间比上面的编辑器晚一点。

8.1. EUD Editor 8.1. EUD 编辑器

program name 程序名称
EUD Editor EUD 编辑器
EUD Editor 2 EUD 编辑器 2
EUD Editor 3 EUD 编辑器 3
delicious shaved ice 美味的刨冰
production date 生产日期
2015 November 24 2015 十一月 24
program type 程序类型
Tools , EUD 工具 , EUD
writing language 书写语言
driving specifications 驾驶规格
Windows XP[15] Windows XP 软件 [15]
newest version 最新版本
Driving appearance 驾驶外观
Appearance of V0.8.4[17]
V0.8.4 外观 [17]

A program created by Delicious Bingsu, an active member of Star Editor Academy . It is said to have been created by imitating DatEdit and Firegraft, and with the advent of this program, the entry barrier to EUD map production has been greatly lowered. You must run Star with EUD enabled or a program that includes it to play maps modified with EUDEditor, and it is much better than programs like EUDTrig, which beginners could not even master, but even the editor of Delicious Shaved Ice is quite difficult to deepen. Still, it cannot be denied that it has improved greatly compared to the days when most users could not even access the beginning of EUD.
由 Star Editor Academy 的活跃成员 Delicious Bing su 创建的程序。据说它是通过模仿 DatEdit 和 Firegraft 创建的,随着该程序的出现,EUD 地图制作的准入门槛大大降低。您必须在启用 EUD 的情况下运行 Star 或包含它的程序才能播放使用 EUDEditor 修改的地图,它比像 EUDTrig 这样的程序要好得多,初学者甚至无法掌握,但即使是 Delicious Shaved Ice 的编辑器也很难深化。尽管如此,不可否认的是,与大多数用户甚至无法访问 EUD 开头的日子相比,它已经有了很大的改进。

Along with euddraft, it seems to be known a little abroad.
它与 euddraft 一起,似乎在国外略有名气。

The creator created a new version, EUD Editor 2, and released it for the first time on October 29, 2016. Unlike previous versions, external portrait files and tilesets can be inserted. The extension is 'e2s'. In versions after 1.18, GRP and tilesets are not applied.
创建者创建了新版本 EUD Editor 2,并于 2016 年 10 月 29 日首次发布。与以前的版本不同,可以插入外部纵向文件和瓦片集。扩展名是 'e2s'。在 1.18 之后的版本中,GRP 和图块集不适用。

Currently, there is up to EUD Editor 3.
目前,最高有 EUD 编辑器 3。

8.1.1. program features 8.1.1. 程序功能

Unlike the complex programs that came out earlier, you can create EUD triggers very easily, apply them to StarCraft in real time, and export all things that become EUDs, such as button set settings and structure offset parts, as triggers. You can easily change a unit's supply, sight, weapon range, number of projectiles, and attack speed.
与之前出现的复杂程序不同,您可以非常轻松地创建 EUD 触发器,将它们实时应用于星际争霸,并将所有成为 EUD 的内容(例如按钮设置和结构偏移部分)导出为触发器。您可以轻松更改单位的补给、瞄准具、武器射程、射弹数量和攻击速度。

External files such as text-based graphics are inserted based on GUI.
外部文件(如基于文本的图形)基于 GUI 插入。

Since version 0.8, there is a function to link with euddraft.
从 0.8 版本开始,有一个与 euddraft 链接的功能。

1. Add EUD Trigger 1. 添加 EUD 触发器
2. Add graphics 2. 添加图形
3. Insert the button set
3. 插入按钮组

You can do it yourself, and you can apply an unlimiter.

8.1.2. How to use
8.1.2. 如何使用

To use this tool, TrigEditPlus distributed by the same cafe as Scmdraft 2 is required.
要使用此工具,需要与 Scmdraft 2 由同一家咖啡馆分发的 TrigEditPlus。

This is a function that can be used when linked with euddraft. When you click Insert in Map , a window for selecting a base map (EUD is not applied) pops up. After naming it, press save in the map item of the starcraft item to create a map. If the insertion is successful, a black window appears with the name of the map that became the base and the name of the applied map. Maps that have undergone this process cannot be opened with a general editor. Therefore, be careful not to delete the map that became the base for no reason, and after modifying the map that became the base as desired, go into the insertion settings and click open map (base map) to set it again to set the default settings (trigger, unit specification) of this map . etc.) can be changed.
这是与 euddraft 链接时可以使用的功能。单击 Insert in Map (在地图中插入) 时,将弹出一个用于选择底图(未应用 EUD)的窗口。命名后,在星际争霸物品的地图项中按保存来创建地图。如果插入成功,则会显示一个黑色窗口,其中包含成为基础的映射的名称和应用的映射的名称。经过此过程的地图无法使用常规编辑器打开。因此,请注意不要无缘无故删除成为基地的地图,并根据需要修改成为基地的地图后,进入插入设置并单击 打开地图(底图) 再次设置以设置此地图的默认设置(触发器、单位规格)。等)可以更改。

You need to change the hero unit's requirement offset to produce a hero unit with a buttonset setup.

Creators Blog How to use EUD Editor
创作者博客 如何使用 EUD 编辑器

8.1.3. caution 8.1.3. 注意

Among the many features of the tool, there are things to touch, such as changing the name of the map to 'EUDEditor' to run StarCraft immediately or use CUnit. How to set
在该工具的众多功能中,有一些事情需要触及,例如将地图名称更改为“EUDEditor”以立即运行星际争霸或使用 CUnit。如何设置

It is basic to adjust the basic unit values, but be careful as the cost seems to increase exponentially if the values differ greatly from the map itself.

Also, if some motions such as self-destruct and projectiles of other units are not applied, the star will bounce.

9. related document 9. 相关文件

[1] This trigger was added in Brood War ( Patch 1.04 ).
[1]此触发器是在 Brood War( 补丁 1.04 )中加入的。
[2] Changed Siege Tank's attack type from 'one-way splash' to 'one-way splash'
[2] 攻城坦克的攻击类型从“单向飞溅”改为“单向飞溅”
[3] Check the biological type in the properties of the mechanical unit (Goliath, etc.). However, if you do this, you can also get caught in Dark Archon's Maelstrom.
[3] 检查机械单元(歌利亚等)属性中的生物类型。但是,如果你这样做,你也可能被卷入黑暗执政官的漩涡中。
[4] A value of 32 corresponds to a range of 1
[4] 值 32 对应于范围 1
[5] A cooldown of 24 is equal to 1 second
[5] 24 秒的冷却时间等于 1 秒
[6] If set to 12 or higher, it crashes
[6] 如果设置为 12 或更高,则会导致崩溃
[7] Like the Ao Oni and Random Card Battle Use Maps, the graphics of the units were completely changed and the graphics were changed like real cards to make cards or other characters, and so on.
[8] Usually, the title is decorated to make it look like it's a map with pornographic images (e.g. XX Strip), and then when the actual game starts, the monk's face is shown along with the sound of a moktak. In slightly better cases, the host (red) can voluntarily close the game, but the reality is that most fishing maps have no choice but to turn it off by force quitting.
[8]通常,标题会被装饰成一张带有色情图片的地图(例如 XX Strip),然后在实际游戏开始时,僧侣的脸会随着 moktak 的声音一起显示出来。在稍微好一点的情况下,主机(红色)可以自愿关闭游戏,但现实情况是,大多数钓鱼地图别无选择,只能通过强制退出来关闭它。
[9] In particular, in version 1.13, many minor patches and follow-up patches were released to prevent various tricks.
[9]特别是,在 1.13 版本中,发布了许多小补丁和后续补丁以防止各种技巧。
[10] In fact, it is wise to do this. Because I understand that it is a technology like that.
[10] 事实上,这样做是明智的。因为我知道这是一种技术。
[11] Source: Grant Davies, US Topics
[11] 来源:Grant Davies,US Topics
[12] While draft and world editors can make various changes just by changing the applicable target of a weapon or effect, EUD is quite limited. If you change a unit that can't anti-air to be able to do it, the world editor is checked once, but EUD has sprite errors for each unit, so you have to touch this and that. Also, even if you want to change an effect that has no effect on a specific property, the world editor can modify the effect target in various ways, whereas EUD can modify only some effects in various ways. However, the difference between Star and War 3's own game engine should be considered.
[12]虽然草稿和世界编辑器可以通过更改武器或效果的适用目标来进行各种更改,但 EUD 非常有限。如果你改变一个不能进行防空的单位,世界编辑器会检查一次,但每个单位的 EUD 都有 sprite 错误,所以你必须触摸这个和那个。此外,即使您想要更改对特定属性没有影响的效果,世界编辑器也可以以各种方式修改效果目标,而 EUD 只能以各种方式修改某些效果。但是,应考虑 Star 和 War 3 自己的游戏引擎之间的差异。
[13] Since the official map editor support has been discontinued after version 1.23, there seems to be no possibility of improvement in the future, and since the development team was officially disbanded in early 2021, it is virtually impossible to see any possibility of improvement. And with the Blizzard sexual crime controversy breaking out, the game itself has reached a point where it could be ruined. On top of that, in the meantime, the RTS developers have essentially become independent. In this situation, rather than strengthening, it might be better to wait for the source code of StarCraft to be released as open source in the distant future.
[13]由于官方的地图编辑器支持在 1.23 版本之后已经停止,未来似乎没有改进的可能,而且由于开发团队在 2021 年初正式解散,几乎不可能看到任何改进的可能性。而随着暴雪性犯罪争议的爆发,游戏本身已经到了可能被毁掉的地步。最重要的是,与此同时,RTS 开发人员基本上已经变得独立了。在这种情况下,与其加强,不如等到遥远的将来将《星际争霸》的源代码作为开源发布。
[14] What is slightly disappointing is that it is not modeled like in Metal Slug Wars.
[15] The minimum operating system that this program runs on is possible from Windows 7 to use EUD Draft. Of course, there will be no users using XP, which has ended support, but...
[15]该程序运行的最低操作系统可以从 Windows 7 开始使用 EUD Draft。当然,不会有用户使用 XP,它已经结束了支持,但是......
[16] Necessary elements such as "Insert into Map" + Wireframe + GRP.
[16] 必要的元素,例如 “Insert into Map” + Wireframe + GRP。
[17] Red squares are non-default values.
[17] 红色方块是非默认值。
